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Operations Manager 2007 and Essentials Hotfixes released to solve Reporting install issues covering: (1) Install failure when SDK account is Local System KB936219 , 2) Failure to install in a disjointed namespace

Two hotfixes have been released and are currently only available through Microsoft Customer Support Services (CSS). You will not be charged for the support incident.


System Center Operations Manager 2007 Hotfix details

The forthcoming KB article (unpublished at the moment) will be KB936481. When requesting the hotfix from CSS please mention that you are in need of the hotfix for KB936481.

Here are essentially the details that will be covered in the KB for installing the hotfix. NOTE:  This hotfix does resolve two issues as in the title.

The computer's primary DNS suffix does not match the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain where it resides. For more information on identifying this issue please read

Installation of Operations Manager 2007 reporting fails with the error message “The specified domain does not exist or cannot be contacted” in the setup log file found in the Temp folder on the computer on which you are installing Operations Manager 2007 reporting.

This hotfix must be applied to each computer that meets any of the following criteria:

Is a System Center Operations Manager Reporting Server


Is a System Center Operations Manager Root Management Server

To apply this hotfix, you must first:

1. Copy the file SystemCenterOpsMgr07-RTM-KB9356481-X86-AMD64-ENU.MSI to either a local folder or to an accessible network shared folder.


2. Run SystemCenterOpsMgr07-RTM-KB936481-X86-AMD64-ENU.MSI on each applicable computer that meets the predefined criteria.


3. On the computer where you plan to install the reporting server component, first copy Reporting2007.msi (RTM build 5000) to local writable disk; for example, the root or C:\ folder. The Reporting2007.msi file can be found in the reporting folder on the CD image. Copy the Reporting2007.msi file from either the i386 or amd64 folder, depending on which correctly matches your system architecture.


4. When the hotfix package is run, specify the location where the Reporting2007.msi file was placed. On the reporting server, run the VBscript file WiUseXfm.vbs with the full path to the reporting Windows Installer file as the first argument and full path to the .mst file as second argument. This can be done by opening a command prompt window and specifying for example C:\>WiUseXfm.vbs Reporting2007.msi ReportinXfm86.mst. For this example the VBscript, Windows Installer (.msi), and .mst files were placed in the C:\ directory


5. The Reporting2007.msi file size should have increased from 11,383 to 11,427 KB. Run this modified Reporting2007.msi which is on the local disk and installation should succeed.


6. NOTE: When specifying the target RMS Server it must be the Full Qualified Domain Name(FQDN) of the RMS Server for this modified version of the install to succeed.

This hotfix impacts the following installed files:










System Center Essentials 2007 Hotfix details


The forthcoming KB article (unpublished at the moment) will be KB937831. When requesting the hotfix from CSS please mention that you are in need of the hotfix for KB937831.

Here are essentially the details that will be covered in the KB for installing the hotfix. NOTE:  This hotfix does resolve two issues as in the title.


The computer’s primary DNS suffix does not match the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain where it resides. For more information on identify the issue please read

Installation of System Center Essentials 2007 fails with the error message “The specified domain does not exist or cannot be contacted” in the setup log file found in the Temp folder on the computer on which you are installing System Center Essentials 2007.

This hotfix must be applied to each computer that meets the following criteria:
Is a System Center Essentials 2007 Management Server.
To apply this hotfix for interactive setup, you must first:
1. Copy the file SCE07-RTM-KB937831-X86-AMD64-ENU to either a local folder or accessible network shared folder.
2. Run SCE07-RTM-KB937831-X86-AMD64-ENU locally on each applicable computer that meets the predefined criteria.

Note: You can run SCE07-RTM-KB937831-X86-AMD64-ENU from either Windows Explorer or from a command prompt.

3. During installation of the Windows Installer the following file is copied to the %temp% directory: Setup.exe.config.
4. During installation of the Windows Installer the following files are copied to the %temp%\TempQFE directory:
SCE 2007 hotfix supplemental notice.rtf
5. Start Essentials 2007 setup normally using SetupSCE.exe.

To apply this hotfix for silent setup, you must first:
1. Copy the Essentials 2007 installation media to a writeable location, such as locally to the server you are installing Essentials 2007.
2. Copy the file SCE07-RTM-KB937831-X86-AMD64-ENU.MSI to either a local folder or accessible network shared folder.
3. Run SCE07-RTM-KB937831-X86-AMD64-ENU.MSI locally on each applicable computer that meets the predefined criteria.

Note: You can run SCE2007SCE07-RTM-KB937831-X86-AMD64-ENU.MSI from either Windows Explorer or from a command prompt.

4. During installation of the Windows Installer the following file is copied to the %temp% directory: Setup.exe.config.
5. During installation of the Windows Installer the following files are copied to the %temp%\TempQFE directory:
SCE 2007 hotfix supplemental notice.rtf
6. Copy the QFEHandler.dll to the local copy of the Essentials installation media’s Setup\i386 or Setup\amd64 directory, depending on the processor architecture of the server.
7. Start Essentials 2007 silent setup using setup.exe with the appropriate command line options.
This hotfix impacts the following installed files: