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New MP - Microsoft Distributed File Systems 2003 Management Pack for Operations Manager 2007

The DFS MP for OpsMgr07 has released to the Web




The Distributed File System 2003 Management Pack monitors events placed in the Application event log by DFS and raises alerts to indicate possible service outages or configuration problems that require operator intervention. Using embedded expertise, this Management Pack highlights performance, health, and availability conditions that indicate problems. It can even identify issues before they become critical, thus providing you with a level of customer responsiveness that increases the overall availability and performance of your Windows Operating Systems. As a result, this Management Pack will reduce the cost of ownership by enabling proactive management and reducing resolution times for the issues identified. By detecting, alerting on, and automatically responding to critical events and performance indicators, this Management Pack helps indicate, correct, and prevent possible DFS service and share outages, and plays an important role in ensuring that your DFS infrastructure is working correctly and available.
Requires OpsMgr 2007 MOM 2005 Backward Compatibility MP Update 6.0.5000.12 (or higher)
Feature Bullet Summary:
DFS 2003 management pack enables you to:
1. Monitor the health and availability of the DFS components.
2. Collect key performance data for DFS.
3. Start common tasks in context of Operations Manager alerts.
4. Monitor overall health through state view for DFS computers.
Management Pack Release History:
09-20-2007 - Initial Release for OpsMgr 2007 - Version 6.0.5000.0