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Blobber– A trivial little tool for uploading/listing/deleting Windows Azure Blob Storage files

There must be dozens of these things, but I didn’t find one online last week and I needed a tool like this to prep a part of my keynote demo in Poland last week – and thus I wrote one. It’s a simple file management utility that works with the Windows Azure Blob store. No whistles, no bells, 344 lines of code if you care to look, both exe and source downloads below, MS-PL license.

   List all files from the 'images' container:
        Blobber.exe -o list -c images -a MyAcct -k <key>
    List all files matching *.jpg from the 'images' container:
        Blobber.exe -o list -c images -a MyAcct -k <key> *.jpg
    List all files matching *.jpg from the 'images' container (case-insensitive):
        Blobber.exe -o list -l -c images -a MyAcct -k <key> *.jpg
    Delete all files matching *.jpg from the 'images' container:
        Blobber.exe -o deletefile -l -c images -a MyAcct -k <key> *.jpg
    Delete 'images' container:
        Blobber.exe -o deletectr -c images -a MyAcct -k <key>
    Upload all files from the c:\pictures directory into 'images' container:
        Blobber.exe -o upload -c images -a MyAcct -k <key> c:\pictures\*.jpg
    Upload like above and include all subdirectories:
        Blobber.exe -o upload -s -c images -a MyAcct -k <key> c:\pictures\*.*
    Upload like above and convert all file names to lower case:
        Blobber.exe -o upload -l -s -c images -a MyAcct -k <key> c:\pictures\*.*
    Upload all files from the c:\pictures directory into 'images' container on dev storage:
        Blobber.exe -o upload -l -s -c images -d c:\pictures\*.*
    -o <operation> upload, deletectr, deletefile, list (optional, default:'list')
        -o list [options] -c <container>  <relative-uri-suffix-pattern> (* and ? wildcards)
        -o upload [options] [-s] -c <container> <local-path-file-pattern>
        -o deletefile [options] -c <container> <relative-uri-suffix-pattern> (* and ? wildcards)
        -o deletectr [options] -c <container>
    -c <container> Container (optional, default:'files')
    -s Include local file subdirectories (optional, upload only)
    -p Make container public (optional)
    -l Convert all paths and file names to lower case (optional)
    -d Use the local Windows Azure SDK Developer Storage (optional)
    -b <baseUri> Base URI (optional override)
    -a <accountName> Account Name (optional if specified in config)
    -k <key> Account Key  (optional if specified in config)

You can also specify your account infomation in blobber.exe.config and omit the -a/-k arguments.

Executable: (133.4 KB)
Source: (5.41 KB)

[Update: I just find that I unintentionally used the same name as a similar utility from Codeplex: Sorry.]


  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2010
    What about Page Blobs? Just looked at the sources. Any plans to support this in the future?

  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2010
    You've got the source, Juergen ;)