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New Microsoft Developer Network portal – Now Live!


For all you developery types out there, we have a new portal for you. The goal is to make it easier to find information developers need by centralizing and collapsing everything developer into a single portal. The end result is now developers have a one-stop shopping place to find everything they need for developing great applications on Windows. I am not even remotely a developer and even I like the way the site is laid out. As soon as you get to the portal, you can dive into the area that suits your skills and tools that you use. Whether you build Wep Apps, work on Android, or looking to migrate an iOS app, the site makes it easy to find the resources you need.



I get the feel I will be spending a little more time on the site myself as I dig deeper into my own PowerShell training.


Right now the site is only in English, but there is a planned roll out to other language geographies taking place.


There is a great blog post by Technical Fellow – Brian Harry that provides more detail on the changes. Please check it out!

