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User Gruppe Events - April 2011


SQL Server User Gruppe – SQLPass

5. April 2011
Hotel Glockenhof, Sihlstrasse 31, CH-8022 Zürich 
15:30 bis 19:00
Teilnahme ist gratis

1. How DBAs can use PowerPivot for Performance Tuning / Troubleshooting
2. PowerPivot / BISM and the future of a BI Solution

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Swiss IT Pro User Gruppe -

5. April 2011
Digicomp Academy AG (Zürich), Limmatstrasse 50, CH-8005 Zürich
17:45 bis 21:00
Teilnahme ist gratis

PowerShell Script Club
Script Clubs are like a hands on lab with no set topic or teacher. You bring an idea (and computer) for a script, and ask your fellow PowerShell users for help getting the script written.
Script Club is a great way to learn PowerShell. Ideally, you bring a laptop, your problems, and your curiosity. Everyone at Script Club helps everyone else get up to speed on PowerShell, answers each others questions, and solves their scripting problems.
