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Taks boards in real life

Relocation Task Board

Relocating half the way around the world takes some planning. As usual when we have a lot of stuff that needs to be done, me and my wife use Post-Its (in this case super sticky sortable cards) and write down every task that needs to be done.

Generally we also sort the tasks having the most important ones at the top but since our relocation to the US is kind of a fixed mile stone where everything has to be done (not very Agile but... ) before we move we haven't bother prioritizing this list (yet).

Also this time (since we use larger cards) we have grouped related tasks on each index card and when one task is done we mark it with a green "strike over pen" and as soon as everything on one card is done, we throw the card away.

In order to remember we have to do all this stuff the cards are put up on the side of a cupboard in the kitchen where everybody sees it several times every day.

I guess this is an example of how you can apply things you do in your agile software development team onto other things in your life and get the same benefits. Using this task board makes it visible to everybody in the family all the things that must be done before we relocate.

Oh, and in order to make sure we have progress we make sure that we each day have completed at least one task on the board. If that doesn't happen we talk about what can be done the next day and by who in order to get back on track.


  • Anonymous
    April 14, 2009
    So I previously showed how I used a taskboard at home . Just to give you another example I wanted to