VSTS 2010 Test Produkt SKU’s sind jetzt fixiert
Im Bereich Testing gibt es mit VSTS 2010 eine Menge neue Features, hier sind die Produkte, wie man Sie dann lizensieren können wird.
Zum Überblick die neuen Bereiche:
Visual Studio® Team Test 2010
Support for the specialist tester including Web and load testing capabilities in addition to the ability to create automated test suites. Executes in the Visual Studio environment for test professionals. Comes with Microsoft Test and Lab Manager.
Visual Studio® Team Test 2010 Essentials
Support for the generalist tester including the ability to manage test cases and manual/automated test execution. Installs as a scaled down product for easy access on test machines.
Visual Studio® Lab Management 2010
Support for creating virtualized environments with snapshot capabilities. You can now execute your tests using the lab capabilities and save the state later for both development and test usage.
Mehr Info’s gibt’s hier
Viel Spass
- Anonymous
May 13, 2009
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