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What's New in PowerShell v3...and 4! 5/1/2014, 11:00am ET PowerShell v3 was a massive new release. With literally thousands of new cmdlets and a new ISE, where do you start? In this session we'll begin with an overview of the feature sets included with v3, plus the new ISE. Then we'll look at some of the new language features, such as the simplified Where-Object, append capabilities for Export-CSV, dynamically updatable help, default parameters, and more. Then we'll take a deeper look at the feature everyone is drooling over, Workflows. You'll see how to implement a workflow and how to use it to run tasks in parallel.   Register Here  
SQL Server 2014: Top New Features! 5/6/2014, 11:00am ET Microsoft has announced SQL Server 2014. It should be RTM very soon. When will it be? What are the features that you need to know about? In this presentation we will cover the Top NEW Features. It’s never too early to think about Migrating? What are the things that you will need to consider? How they will this impact your life as a DBA, your Data Warehouse, Your Virtual Environment, and how you use the Cloud!   Register Here  


Parameters and Variables in SSIS 5/8/2014, 11:00am ET SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) went through a major transformation in the 2012 release. It’s been well over a year since the 2012 release and SQL Server 2014 is right around the corner which means organizations will be adopting the new project deployment at a much faster rate. We will discuss the difference between the former package deployment and new project deployment models, variables vs. parameters, deployment to the new SSIS catalog and how to configure environments. After this session you will have all the information necessary to move to the latest version of SSIS or even upgrade your existing environment. Register Here  
SQL Server Data Mining & Application Integration 5/13/2014, 11:00am ET While there has been a renewed emphasis on data mining and machine learning, the data mining capabilities within SQL Server Analysis Services remains one of the most overlooked and underutilized parts of the platform. In this session we will introduce data mining and the algorithms that are available out of the box with SQL Server Analysis Services 2012. We will explore a generic data mining methodology while learning how these models are developed, evaluated and ultimately implemented to deliver enhanced capabilities and data understanding. This session includes end-to-end demos as well as real-world integration scenarios.   Register Here  


5 SQL Server Indexing Myths 5/15/2014, 11:00am ET There are many "best practices" around that help people decide how to index databases. Having these practices can help alleviate the time that it takes to design an indexing strategy for a database. These practices can be of great use, except when they are wrong. Join us in this session, as we discuss some common myths associated with indexes and then dive into the myths to demonstrate how they can be debunked. At the end of the session, you'll know a few more things about indexes and leave armed with scripts that can help you debunk these myths on your own.   Register Here  
Building Your Myth Busting Lab with Power BI 5/20/2014, 11:00am ET Myth busting involves gathering facts, modelling data for repeatable usage and/or testing, exploring data captured, proofing a few theories, coming up with "what-ifs" and making a well informed conclusion. This session will demonstrate how to create an ideal Myth Busting lab for all these aspects and for team collaboration in one suite. You will learn best practices on delivering self service and mobile Business Intelligence solutions with Power BI for Office 365 for enterprises, its limitations and winning features.   Register Here  


Modern Data Warehousing 5/22/2014, 11:00am ET The traditional data warehouse has served us well for many years, but new trends are causing it to break in four different ways: data growth, fast query expectations from users, non-relational/unstructured data, and cloud-born data. How can you prevent this from happening? Enter the modern data warehouse, which is able to handle and excel with these new trends. It handles all types of data (Hadoop), provides a way to easily interface with all these types of data (PolyBase), and can handle “big data” and provide fast queries. Is there one appliance that can support this modern data warehouse? Yes! It is the Parallel Data Warehouse (PDW) from Microsoft, which is a Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) appliance that has been recently updated (v2 AU1). In this session I will dig into the details of the modern data warehouse and PDW. I will give an overview of the PDW hardware and software architecture, identify what makes PDW different, and demonstrate the increased performance. In addition I will discuss how Hadoop, HDInsight, and PolyBase fit into this new modern data warehouse.   Register Here
Create a Tactical Plan Using Hadoop and Cloud Technologies 5/27/2014, 11:00am ET How quickly would you be able to gather data, align resources and using analytics - create a tactical plan? We're going to walk through an emergency scenario where data is pulled from public sources and shared with a team of responders all using the cloud and Hadoop. Once we have out scenario, we will show the next steps as data reduction/analytics using more traditional tools such as SQL Server, Analysis Services and more.   Register Here  


Managing Today's Cloud Integrated Data Platforms 5/28/2014, 11:00am ET As a DBA you’ve been inundated by people telling you why you “need” the cloud. Need is great, but HOW do you integrate your Network with Azure? What are Virtual Networks in Azure? How does this differ from On-prem? How can you use PowerShell to provision and Manage Azure VM’s? You can create Networks, set up SQL Servers, spin-up and shut down infrastructure so you are not charged for anything other than storage? In this session we’ll stop talking about why you “need” the cloud and start talking about HOW you leverage it!   Register Here  
The Modern DBA - Infastructure, SQL and Performance in the Cloud 5/29/2014, 11:00am ET Today's data platform extends beyond the limitations of brick and mortar data centers. With cloud offerings, you have the ability to grow past your current hardware limitations and deliver data solutions that grow and move with your data needs. In this session, we'll explore cloud offerings for your data platforms and how the support the needs of DBA to provide the infrastructure and performance that data platforms demand.   Register Here  


PDW and Cloud Scale - Unlimited Performance 5/30/2014, 11:00am ET Yesterday's common theme in data platforms was the constraint on performance from available resources and the capacity to scale up with data growth. With today's, modern data platform, you have opportunities to design and build platforms that grow with your needs. In this session, we'll explore Microsoft's Parallel Data Warehouse (PDW); which brings at scale performance to the modern data warehouse. Alongside, PDW we'll look at cloud offerings that bring additional scale to data warehouses and how to build, with minimal, data platforms that deliver unlimited performance.   Register Here