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If you exporting to AD/Exchange with MIIS, you might need to disable the RUS

I was working on a project recently and the Exchange 2003 Recipient Update Service (RUS) was adding X.400 addresses and other junk to my mail enabled users.  I was basically mail enabling a bunch of users in AD to synchronize the GAL with another email system.  I could certainly configure the recipient policies on the server, but for these users, it made the most sense to disable the RUS for these particular objects.

The equivalent for this is to un-check the "Automatically update e-mail addresses based on recipient policy" on the object in AD.  This is quite simple to handle in export attribute flow from MIIS.  Just set the "msExchPoliciesExcluded" attribute on the object to a constant = "{26491CFC-9E50-4857-861B-0CB8DF22B5D7} ".  You can set a value in attribute flow to a constant by using the Advanced attribute flow setting.  This will keep the RUS's hands off your objects.

Pretty cool.  More details in this KB article:;en-us;318072

The article also notes that you are now responsible for these attributes once you set this:

  • mail
  • proxyAddresses
  • textEncodedORAddress
  • msExchPoliciesIncluded

Of course, this should not be used across the board.  In many cases, you need the RUS to take care of properly stamping attributes.  Use with care.