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Supporting Billions of entities/rows for Mobile – Android Series - Part 5–Using the Portal and Setting up your Azure Account (Microsoft Cloud)

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Supporting Billions of entities/rows for Mobile – Android Series - Part 1 - Why Scale Matters
Supporting Billions of entities/rows for Mobile – Android Series - Part 2 - What are some high level cloud offerings?
Supporting Billions of entities/rows for Mobile – Android Series - Part 3–Architecture and Data Options
Supporting Billions of entities/rows for Mobile – Android Series - Part 4–Building a Cloud-based RESTful service for our Android, iOS, and Windows Phone 7 Clients
You will need to download the free Azure trial.
What this post is about
  This post has 3 basic parts:
Part 1 Using the Windows Azure Portal to setup your account
Part 2 Understanding important details about your: (1) Hosted Service; (2) Storage Account
Part 1 - Using the Windows Azure Portal to setup your account
Part 2 – After signing up, create your Hosted Service and your Storage Account
  The hosted service is essentially the web role in which you will host your Azure RESTful service that we create in the previous blog post (Part 4). This is accomplished by logging into your Azure Account. Navigate to svgkpwbk Notice the red arrow pointing to Hosted Services, Storage Account & CDN. Click on that link. vb0w0ilz Notice that I already have 5 Hosted Services and 5 Storage Accounts.
Part 2 – Select Hosted Services
  Click on Hosted Services (5) . You will see the following screen:  ezdhybgx Note that the Toolbar area has New Hosted Service that you will now click. edf2uozi Note that I have provided:
Name FastMotorcycleService
Region North Central (there are 6 data centers on 3 continents to choose from)
Deployment We chose Do not deploy. We'll do this in a future post.
We will now work on our Storage Account. iwxmaj3e Notice that only two pieces of data were needed. Note that the url ( is different from the Hosted Service, which is ryf4d23j The storage account is now crated as you can see above. It is called fastmotorcycle.
Part 2
  Review the important information. One very important piece of information is the Access keys. You will need these access keys to be able to communicate with the storage account. After all, you would want just anyone to access your storage. qkpclo2l You will need to keep a copy of your primary access key. 5zqoe2tw In summary, here is what we have that is important:
Hosted Service Name FastMotorcycleService
Storage Account Name FastMotorcycle
Storage Account Table URL
Next Post will illustrate how insert data
  My next post will insert data into the table object using Fiddler, which is a low level too that shows you how http actually sends the http request. Fiddler is unbelievably important to understand.

Fiddler is an HTTP debugging proxy server application written by Eric Lawrence of Microsoft.

It captures HTTP traffic and logs it for the user to review.

It can also be used to "fiddle" with HTTP traffic as it is being sent.

By default, traffic from Microsoft's WinINET HTTP(S) stack is automatically directed through Fiddler at runtime, but any browser or application can be configured to route traffic through Fiddler.

More information about Azure Tables
Tables are highly scalable structured storage The Table service offers structured storage in the form of tables. Tables are capable of storing billions of rows and can automatically scale to multiple storage nodes.
RESTful API The Table service API is a REST API for working with tables and the data that they contain.
ADO.NET Data Services There is also ADO.NET Data Services, which provides a programmatic interface from within the .NET Framework and Windows-based applications. The.NET Client Library for ADO.NET Data Services provides a convenient library for working with data in the Table service by using .NET objects. For more information about the client library, see Using the .NET Client Library with the Table Service.