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A Microsoft Guy does Linux And Drupal - Part 2

High Level Goals For This Post

Purpose To install Drupal and all related supporting technologies
Part 1 Post - Microsoft Guy does Linux and Drupal

Table of Contents
Exercise 1: Installing Drupal Requirements With Yast
Exercise 2: Installing Web and LAMP Server
Exercise 3: Installing PHP/Drupal Graphics Modules
Exercise 4: Installing Apache and MySQL
Exercise 5: Completing the MySQL Installation
Exercise 6: Downloading and Installing Drupal
Exercise 7: Configuring MySQL
Exercise 8: Finishing the Drupal Installation
Exercise 9: Configuring Drupal Email, Database Username, Passwords
Exercise 10: Drupal – Up and Running


Exercise 1: Installing Drupal Requirements With Yast
Part 1: What is Drupal and how is it used?
Part 2: Starting YAST2 – The Swiss Army Knife of Installers
Part 3: Using Software Management

What is Drupal and how is it used?


  1. Drupal is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) and content management framework (CMF) written in PHP. It is used as a back-end system for at least 1.5% percent of all websites worldwide
  2. It is used for personal blogs to corporate, political, and government sites including and
  3. It is also used for knowledge management and business collaboration.

Starting YAST2 – The Swiss Army Knife of Installers 
Type in this command

  Type this into Putty

  1. The next screen will install Drupal on top of the openSUSE VM we setup in an earlier blog post.
  2. The needed post you should consult is:
  3. This is an OpenSUSE / Linux OS running in Windows Azure (MS Cloud)
  4. It took very little time to accomplish this
  5. The next step is to use YAST2
    • YaST (Yet another Setup Tool) is a setup and configuration tool that is featured in the openSUSE Linux distribution
    • It features tools that can configure many aspects of the system
      • We are going to use it prepare our openSUSE to run Drupal
      • We will need to install
        • A web server
          • Apache & LAMP
        • PHP 5
        • HTTP Server
        • Firewall Settings
        • MySQL

Starting Software Management 


  1. YAST is very tedious. And in my opinion it is confusing.
  2. I recommend the Online update you see above before doing anything.
  3. Using the arrow keys from your keyboard, select Software, press the right arrow and select Software Management and hit ENTER.

Exercise 2: Installing Web and LAMP Server
Part 1: Startup Screen for Software Manager
Part 2: The Patterns Menu – A key part of Yast
Part 3: Installing Web and Lamp Server

Startup screen for Software Manager  


  1. The system is preparing to change configuration of the openSUSE VM.
  2. To get the screen above, select Software Management. You may get some warnings about missing components. Simply ALT-A to accept recommended installations.
  3. You will end up choosing Software Management a second time.

The Patterns Menu – A key part of Yast 


  1. Select Software Management
  2. Press ALT+F to select Filter. A text menu will appear. Select Patterns.
  3. Prepare to search for Web and Lamp Server
    1. Scroll down until you see Web and Lamp Server.
    2. You will just hit ENTER.
    3. Then you will hit ALT-A to accept.
    4. It will take 3 – 4 minutes to install the components after a brief download process.

Installing Web and LAMP Server 


  1. As stated previously, you will scroll down the options until you find Web and LAMP Server. Press ENTER to select it and press ALT+A to start the installation. Press ENTER when prompted for confirmation.

The Wait Screen for the Web and LAMP Server 


  1. This will take a few moments.

Exercise 3: Installing PHP/Drupal Graphics Modules
Part 1: Re-entering the Software Management Menu
Part 2: Understanding the PHP5-MD module
Part 3: Initiating the install for php5-gd
Part 4: Installing php5-mbstring

                                     Re-entering the Software Management Menu 


  1. Return back to Software Management
  2. Hit ENTER
  3. We will install support for graphics.

Understanding the PHP5-MD module 


  1. Php5-md needs to be installed to support graphics.
  2. You can see that the sub-window on the right will allow you to choose php5-mbstring  and php5-gd and then hit ACCEPT.
  3. This module offers several new capabilities:
    1. You can create and manipulate image files in a variety of different image formats, including GIF, PNG, JPEG, WBMP, and XPM.
    2. PHP can output image streams directly to a browser.
    3. You can use the image functions in PHP to get the size of JPEG, GIF, PNG, SWF, TIFF and JPEG2000 images.

Initiating the install for php5-gd 


  1. Repeat this process for php5-mbstring. That means you will hit ALT-F and scroll and ENTER and ALT-A as explained above.
  2. mbstring provides multibyte specific string functions that help you deal with multibyte encodings in PHP.
  3. In addition to that, mbstring handles character encoding conversion between the possible encoding pairs.
  4. mbstring is designed to handle Unicode-based encodings such as UTF-8 and UCS-2 and many single-byte encodings for convenience

Installing php5-mbstring 


  1. In the main menu, press the left arrow key and select Network Services. Press the right arrow key, select HTTP Server and press ENTER.
  2. Http server relates to the Apache HTTP Server

Exercise 4: Installing Apache and MySQL
Part 1: Enabling the Apache HTTP Server
Part 2: ”Enabling” the HTTP Service
Part 3: Installing MySQL

Enabling the Apache HTTP Server 


  1. Notice we are enabling the http server. Make sure to select Alt-E to enable http server.

Enabling” the HTTP Service 


  1. Back to the main menu, press the left arrow key and select System from the menu options. Press the right arrow and select System Services (Runlevel) and press ENTER.
  2. Runlevel defines the state of the machine after boot.
    • For example, runlevel 4 might be multi-user, GUI, no-server on one distribution, and nothing on another.

Installing MySQL 

  1. After hitting ENTER, scroll down until you find mysql and press ALT+E to enable the service. Wait until the service is running. Press F10 to save the settings.
  2. Almost everyone knows that MySQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS) that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases.

Exercise 5: Installing MySQL
Part 1: Starting the MySQL Installation
Part 2: Viewing Install Screen 1
Part 3: Viewing Install Screen 2

Viewing the first installation screen - MySQL 


  1. It may take a few minutes.

Viewing the second installation screen - MySQL 


  1. We are done with YAST. Thank goodness.
  2. Press ALT+Q to exit YaST2.

Viewing the third installation screen - MySQL


Exercise 6: Downloading and Installing Drupal
Part 1: Creating a Drupal Folder
Part 2: Unzipping/Untaring the Drupal Code
Part 3: Viewing the Drupal Files

Creating A Drupal Folder 


  1. Issue the following commands to make a folder called drupal

    Type in these commands
      Type these commands into Putty


    cd /srv/www/htdocs 
    mkdir drupal 
    cd drupal

    Untaring the Drupal Code 


    1. Untar the compressed tar file with this command:
      Type in this commands
        These commans will extract the tar file


      tar -xzf drupal-7.10.tar.gz --strip-components=1


      • Anonymous
        June 20, 2012
        I am not able to start yast2 in my Suse VM, any idea ?

      • Anonymous
        June 20, 2012
        Hi Chris, Be sure to use openSUSE. I got confused as well. openSUSE should work. I made this more clear in my previous post. Thanks for the heads up.