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FYI : Supportability of Microsoft EWS Java API 1.1 for Exchange Server 2007/2010

If you are using EWS Java API 1.1 provided by Microsoft @ and facing some issues related to it, then feel free to report such issues to below mentioned forum to seek assistance:
Exchange Server TechCenter > Exchange Server Forums > Development > 

I would highly recommend you to prefix the question title as [Ex20XX] [EWS JAVA API 1.X]… so that the members of the forum could easily review/relate the questions specific to EWS JAVA API.

You must be wondering that why I haven’t suggested you to contact Microsoft Support?

Basically, if we have closer look at license agreement under which Microsoft has published the EWS Java API, you would see: 

9. SUPPORT SERVICES. Because this software is “as is,” we may not provide support services for it.

Its clearly mentioned that EWS JAVA API is provided on “as is” basis, therefore the recommendation above.

However, if you are able to repro the issue using the EWS SOAP Request(outside of Java code) or using Microsoft Exchange Web Services Managed API 1.2 against recent build of Exchange 2007/2010 then please report the issue to we would be more than happy to assist you with the issue.

We could also use handy utility like EWS Editor available @ published by Matt Stehle(mstehle: The CDOs and CDONTS of Messaging Development) to repro the issue outside of Java and that would help us understand if the issue is specific to EWS JAVA API or EWS protocol.

As mentioned earlier, if we happen to find issue specific to EWS protocol or EWS Managed API then we could definitely take up that issue with Microsoft Product group.

Hope this helps!