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Kernel stack not resident (Using .pagein)

You might find yourself debugging an issue and a thread you are interested in is paged out.  Here's the steps to use to page in the stack for the kernel side and user side...   Be careful when doing this on a live machine that you want to release after debugging as paging in certain section of memory can cause it to bugcheck... 


2: kd> !thread fffffa8004415460
THREAD fffffa8004415460 Cid 087c.0acc Teb: 000007fffffd5000 Win32Thread: 0000000000000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
fffffa80044157f0 Semaphore Limit 0x1
Waiting for reply to ALPC Message fffff88018c943f0
Impersonation token: fffff8801d302060 (Level Impersonation)
Owning Process fffffa80046e5610 Image: snmp.exe
Wait Start TickCount 367059906 Ticks: 15906005 (2:20:55:35.268) //Been waiting a while.
Context Switch Count 13819416
UserTime 00:00:38.173
KernelTime 00:02:33.972
Win32 Start Address 0x000007fefa7724bc
Stack Init fffffa600440ddb0 Current fffffa600440d6e0
Base fffffa600440e000 Limit fffffa6004408000 Call 0
Priority 11 BasePriority 8 PriorityDecrement 1 IoPriority 2 PagePriority 5
Kernel stack not resident. // We can't see what the stack looks like as it been waiting so long its been paged out.

2: kd> .pagein fffffa600440d6e0 //Grab Current from above... This will get us the kernel side...
You need to continue execution (press 'g' <enter>) for the pagein to be brought in. When the debugger breaks in again, the page will be present.
2: kd> g
Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
fffff800`0163e1d0 cc int 3
1: kd> !thread fffffa8004415460
THREAD fffffa8004415460 Cid 087c.0acc Teb: 000007fffffd5000 Win32Thread: 0000000000000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
fffffa80044157f0 Semaphore Limit 0x1
Waiting for reply to ALPC Message fffff88018c943f0
Impersonation token: fffff8801d302060 (Level Impersonation)
Owning Process fffffa80046e5610 Image: snmp.exe
Wait Start TickCount 367059906 Ticks: 15906070 (2:20:55:36.282)
Context Switch Count 13819416
UserTime 00:00:38.173
KernelTime 00:02:33.972
Win32 Start Address 0x000007fefa7724bc
Stack Init fffffa600440ddb0 Current fffffa600440d6e0
Base fffffa600440e000 Limit fffffa6004408000 Call 0
Priority 11 BasePriority 8 PriorityDecrement 1 IoPriority 2 PagePriority 5
Kernel stack not resident.
Child-SP RetAddr : Args to Child : Call Site
fffffa60`0440d720 fffff800`01647abe : fffffa60`0440da88 fffff880`18c943f0 fffffa60`0440da88 fffff880`18c943f0 : nt!KiSwapContext+0x7f
fffffa60`0440d860 fffff800`016484c5 : 00000000`00303cb0 fffffa60`0440da88 00000000`00000009 00000000`00000001 : nt!KiSwapThread+0x12e
fffffa60`0440d8c0 fffff800`01681067 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000011 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeWaitForSingleObject+0x5f5
fffffa60`0440d940 fffff800`018be424 : fffffa60`0440da88 00000000`00303cb0 fffffa80`04415460 00000000`00000000 : nt!AlpcpSignalAndWait+0x97
fffffa60`0440d980 fffff800`018be868 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00303cb0 00000000`00300318 : nt!AlpcpReceiveSynchronousReply+0x44
fffffa60`0440d9e0 fffff800`018a834f : fffffa80`04352e60 fffffa80`00020000 00000000`00303cb0 00000000`00300318 : nt!AlpcpProcessSynchronousRequest+0x251
fffffa60`0440db00 fffff800`016437b3 : fffffa80`04415460 fffffa60`0440dca0 00000000`00000280 fffff800`0189c654 : nt!NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort+0x19f
fffffa60`0440dbb0 00000000`77af4dca : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x13 (TrapFrame @ fffffa60`0440dc20)
00000000`016aebc8 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x77af4dca

1: kd> .pagein /p fffffa80046e5610 00000000`016aebc8 //We take the process ID of the thread and the usermode address at the bottom of the stack.
You need to continue execution (press 'g' <enter>) for the pagein to be brought in. When the debugger breaks in again, the page will be present.
1: kd> g
Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
fffff800`0163e1d0 cc int 3

1: kd> !thread fffffa8004415460 //Viola! Now we have the whole stack, you might need to do a .reload for symbols.
THREAD fffffa8004415460 Cid 087c.0acc Teb: 000007fffffd5000 Win32Thread: 0000000000000000 WAIT: (WrLpcReply) UserMode Non-Alertable
fffffa80044157f0 Semaphore Limit 0x1
Waiting for reply to ALPC Message fffff88018c943f0
Impersonation token: fffff8801d302060 (Level Impersonation)
Owning Process fffffa80046e5610 Image: snmp.exe
Wait Start TickCount 367059906 Ticks: 15906135 (2:20:55:37.296)
Context Switch Count 13819416
UserTime 00:00:38.173
KernelTime 00:02:33.972
Win32 Start Address 0x000007fefa7724bc
Stack Init fffffa600440ddb0 Current fffffa600440d6e0
Base fffffa600440e000 Limit fffffa6004408000 Call 0
Priority 11 BasePriority 8 PriorityDecrement 1 IoPriority 2 PagePriority 5
Kernel stack not resident.
Child-SP RetAddr : Args to Child : Call Site
fffffa60`0440d720 fffff800`01647abe : fffffa60`0440da88 fffff880`18c943f0 fffffa60`0440da88 fffff880`18c943f0 : nt!KiSwapContext+0x7f
fffffa60`0440d860 fffff800`016484c5 : 00000000`00303cb0 fffffa60`0440da88 00000000`00000009 00000000`00000001 : nt!KiSwapThread+0x12e
fffffa60`0440d8c0 fffff800`01681067 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000011 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeWaitForSingleObject+0x5f5
fffffa60`0440d940 fffff800`018be424 : fffffa60`0440da88 00000000`00303cb0 fffffa80`04415460 00000000`00000000 : nt!AlpcpSignalAndWait+0x97
fffffa60`0440d980 fffff800`018be868 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00303cb0 00000000`00300318 : nt!AlpcpReceiveSynchronousReply+0x44
fffffa60`0440d9e0 fffff800`018a834f : fffffa80`04352e60 fffffa80`00020000 00000000`00303cb0 00000000`00300318 : nt!AlpcpProcessSynchronousRequest+0x251
fffffa60`0440db00 fffff800`016437b3 : fffffa80`04415460 fffffa60`0440dca0 00000000`00000280 fffff800`0189c654 : nt!NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort+0x19f
fffffa60`0440dbb0 00000000`77af4dca : 000007fe`fea5c72b 00000000`00001000 00000000`016aee90 00000000`01460058 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x13 (TrapFrame @ fffffa60`0440dc20)
00000000`016aebc8 000007fe`fea5c72b : 00000000`00001000 00000000`016aee90 00000000`01460058 00000000`0030ed80 : ntdll!NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort+0xa
00000000`016aebd0 000007fe`fea6c592 : 00000000`00302b50 00000000`016aef30 000007fe`fe95c8b8 00000000`00001000 : RPCRT4!LRPC_CCALL::SendReceive+0xbb
00000000`016aec50 000007fe`fea6c5e2 : 00000000`016aed00 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`01460058 : RPCRT4!I_RpcSendReceive+0x42
00000000`016aec80 000007fe`feafad2c : 00000000`016aef30 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`0030ed80 : RPCRT4!NdrSendReceive+0x32
00000000`016aecb0 000007fe`feafaef0 : 00000000`00000000 000007fe`fe95d090 00000000`00000011 00000000`016aece0 : RPCRT4!NdrpClientCall3+0x11c
00000000`016aef00 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : RPCRT4!NdrClientCall3+0x7c

1: kd>


  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2008
    Nice post!!! This helped me with debugging a similar issue today! Thanks! KappA

  • Anonymous
    January 08, 2009
    What I wonder is, why does it still say kernel stack paged out even after we just paged it in?  Also, I have used gflags to specify Never page kernel stacks out, but I still see the Kernel stack paged out message.