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New Windows Azure IaaS In-Person Hands-on events announced

Windows Azure events focused on the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) features of Windows Azure have just been announced, with two events scheduled to be held in the Microsoft NYC office in the coming weeks. See the schedule below for details and a link to the registration site.

These events will include both presentation and demo on Windows Azure as well as hands-on-labs covering a number of scenarios for IT Pros. Planned scenarios include creating VMs in Windows Azure, virtual networking, using PowerShell to manage and maintain Windows Azure, uploading VMs and/or images to Windows Azure, PowerShell deployments with Windows Azure, a cost analysis of the VMs we’ll create, and much more. We will be bringing up a number of VMs in Windows Azure in a pay-as-you-go account and run them for ~10 days which will give attendees an idea of the costs associated with running the VMs in the cloud.

These in-person events will also include two additional follow up events that will take place online. In these follow up online events, the first one will take place shortly after the in-person event to check-in on the VMs we created in Windows Azure the day of the in-person event. The second and final follow-up online event will take place ~10 days after the date of the in-person event to de-provision the VMs and cap the cost in the ~$50-$75 range.

Prerequisites: You must have a subscription to Windows Azure before arriving to the event. Get one here:

Please NOTE: Windows Azure service fees will be charged to your account during the ~10 day period these VMs will be active. This gives you the advantage of quickly analyzing the real costs associated with the scenarios, and enables you take with you the work you complete during this exercise. We estimate the fees incurred to be within $50-$75 total.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!


Venue City


Start Time

End Time

Venue Name & Registration

New York City


9:00 AM

3:00 PM

Microsoft NYC Office



9:00 AM

3:00 PM

Microsoft Reston Office



9:00 AM

3:00 PM

Microsoft Tampa Office



9:00 AM

3:00 PM

Microsoft Malvern Office



9:00 AM

3:00 PM

Microsoft Atlanta Office

New York City


9:00 AM

3:00 PM

Microsoft NYC Office



9:00 AM

3:00 PM

Microsoft Cambridge Office



9:00 AM

3:00 PM

Microsoft Charlotte Office