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JD shares his insights from some of the best books

Earlier today I provided a link to JD's blog on a presentation from Stephen Covey. I have known JD for over 5 years now and worked closely with him on multiple projects for almost 2 years. During this time, I remember that JD read lots of books on lots of topics (I do mean lots of books) and was always trying news ways to improve himself and/or project execution. He publishes his review of the books he reads on Bookshare where his goal is to:

Improve your effectiveness at work and life with insights and actions from knowledge built to last. I regularly mentor people at work, so The Book Share is a place for me to share nuggets from books that I find useful.

Check out the site as there is lots of nuggets that provide insights to many different things in life. It is also a good place to continue to come back to as JD is always reading news books. After you go to the site let me know if you say WOW just as I have done.