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Rockstart Accelerator Demo Day, Startups Pitch to Over 300 Investors

The Demo Day is the sweaty palms and bust your gut finale that many startup founders and developer teams have grown accustomed to looking forward to.  It's like a mini-graduation, only in this case, you are only a handshake and some term sheets away from getting your business funded, which is a whole hell of a lot more exciting than getting a diploma.

You get a diploma, and then you are out into the world again, searcihng for someone to let you work for them, so that you can spend many many hours doing what they want you to do.

Demo Day is like the beginning of a new life.

This was the Rockstart Accelerator Demo Day. The Demo Day is the result of 100 days of hard work by 10 startups. This was the big day on June 14 when they pitched for 300+ investors.

According to Mark Voermans, Emerging Business Manager for Microsoft in the Netherlands:

"Awesome energy during the whole afternoon with pitches all day. The startups and crowd were very enthusiastic! Great show and performance by the startups and very well organized. Very happy we partnered with them. Happy to see a new accelerator in the Netherlands succeed to deliver what they promised. Next 100 days is Rockstart summerschool with closing in SV where they will visit several hot tech companies including MSFT."
