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Startup of the Day - Piryx

The BizSpark startup of the day is Piryx Inc, based in the US. You will find below an interview with Tom Serres, CEO & Founder of Piryx. All the best to them and congrats for being the startup of the day!


Interview with Tom Serres, CEO & Founder of Piryx

Who are you?

CEO & Founder.

How do you feel being the most promising ‘company of the day’ per Microsoft?

I feel honored to be considered the most promising ‘company of the day’ by such a successful company. Microsoft is a great company to work with, and I always feel honored when others praise our work, so thank you.

What did you do before creating your company?

I was in school at The University of Texas studying Accounting in the McCombs School of Business.

How did you get the idea? What s the genesis?

It really started with the first political campaign I ever got involved with, back during the Howard Dean era when the internet was first being used for politics. I started thinking there must be an easier way to campaign and raise money. Piryx started as a consulting business specializing in online branding and marketing and transformed into online fundraising. Piryx was born by battling it out in the political trenches of local and statewide elections. It became a global giving platform when we realized a need for non-profits and corporate giving programs to have a frictionless way to raise money for a cause they want to support.

What do you sell? What is your company’s mission?

Piryx is a fundraising platform that ties together online commerce and real-time giving opportunities. It offers turn- key solutions that can be as easy as launching a blog or deeply integrated into any product, website, or mobile application, turning your entire social graph into a fundraising opportunity.

What is your market?

Non-profits, politicians and political organizations, and corporate giving programs.

Any clients? References? Partners?

Our clients process between $25,000 to $25 million a year in contributions. Some of our most notable non-profits include the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation and the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy. Recently we’ve acquired Nuru International & My Charity: Water.

Funding history? VCs? BA?


Growth? Internationalization?

For the last 5 quarters, we’ve had 100% quarter over quarter growth. We take contributions from individuals all over the world, and we do have intentions to expand globally. We are currently working on establishing our international growth program.

How many employees do you have? How many developers?

Piryx has 8 employees, 2 of which are developers.

Are you hiring? If yes, what? Where?


Which platform are you building on? Why?

We are building on NVC framework C-sharp because it’s what we know best.

Who’s your role model?

I don’t have any one role model in particular, but there are many people who have been great mentors over the years: Mark McKinnon, Vice Chariman of Public Strategies, Austin, TX; Brian Lendecky, professor at The University of Texas; John Highbarger, professor at The University of Texas; Isabella Cunningham, professor at The University of Texas; Burrell Johnston, who gave me my first office; and my dad and two uncles who taught great work ethic and the ability to be goal-oriented and achievement-based.

Where do you see opportunities today in the Software/internet areas?

Social entrepreneurship- corporations that not only do business but create sustainable economic models that fuel change in the world. I believe the internet will amplify their opportunities to do this because they can reach and connect with more people.

Looking for funding? If yes, how much?

Yes - undisclosed.

What about the BizSpark Program? What do you think? Are you going to join? Why?

We are a BizSpark One company. We love Microsoft. They’ve helped us tremendously, and we look forward to doing more with Microsoft in the future.

Any advice to young Software entrepreneurs?

Have passion and patience.
