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BizSpark Startup of the Day - Tagle Information Technology

The BizSpark startup of the day is Tagle Information Technology, based in Canada. Below you will find an interview with Mark Rosenberger, Founder and CEO of Tagle Information Technology. All the best to them and congratulations for being the startup of the day!


Tell us who you are and your role in the company:

Founder and CEO.

What did you do before creating your company?

Manager in a large enterprise corporation.

How do you feel being the most promising ‘Startup of the Day’ per Microsoft BizSpark?

Fantastic! What a great opportunity to showcase what we can do!

What is your company’s mission?

Tagle is all about simplifying document management for Enterprise business. We take complicated document management systems, connect them all together in a sidebar on your desktop, and make them dead simple to use - just type to search and drag and drop.

In 140 characters or less, tell us what your company does:

Tagle simplifies document management with lightning fast search and intuitive drag and drop functionality.

How did you get the idea for your company?

I spent most of my days in any job I’ve ever had, just looking for information. Then once I found it, I had to deal with clunky document management interfaces that made it difficult to manage. I started to play around with ideas to tie these document management systems into email and my desktop (where I spend most of my day) and eventually crystalized on the idea for the Tagle sidebar that brings everything together in one place and makes it actionable. Now many large companies are also using Tagle and the feedback has been great! We make information so much easier to manage.

Tell us about your funding history. Are you currently looking for funding? If so, how much?

Angel investment seed funding has been acquired. Not currently looking for funding.

How many employees do you have? How many developers?


Are you hiring?If yes, what are you hiring for and where?

Yes! Developers to join our team in Guangzhou China.

Which platform are you building on?Why?

.NET since it’s the best solution for a Windows based client application.

Where do you see opportunities today in the Software/Internet area?

I see a lot of opportunity in expanding our SharePoint Module. SharePoint is becoming such a ubiquitous platform for Enterprise document management and Tagle can help make it much simpler for the average business user.

What do you think about the BizSpark Program?

This program is a huge benefit to startups and saves a lot on development costs. It’s also allowed us to try Microsoft technologies that we normally wouldn’t have tried because they’re made so easily accessible.

Do you have any advice for young Software entrepreneurs?

1) Don’t give up and 2) Listen to your customers more than anyone else!

Who’s your role model?

I have many business advisors who are great role models, but if I had to choose someone who is famous it would be Warren Buffet. I admire how he maintains his modesty in the light of such success.

What’s the ONE THING you would like readers to take away from this interview?

Promo code: “BizSpark Interview” – mention you found us through BizSpark and we will offer your company a 15% discount on the first year’s subscription to our SharePoint Module