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BizSpark Startup of the Day -

The BizSpark startup of the day is (Give a Shout Inc.), based in the US. Below you will find an interview with Jimmy On & Fernando Medina, co-founders of All the best to them and congratulations for being the startup of the day!


Tell us who you are and your role in the company:

We are both cofounders, Jimmy handles the UI experience & Fernando the architecture. We both manage the business operations.

What did you do before creating your company?

UI/UX Developer, Web Developers, Database and Data warehousing.

How do you feel being the most promising ‘Startup of the Day’ per Microsoft BizSpark?

Awesome feeling, but we know that this where the work really starts as we bring our site out to the public.

What is your company’s mission?'s mission is to provide people with tools to share their social calendars and connect with others through events and activities.

In 140 characters or less, tell us what your company does:

Share what’s on your calendar. Discover, Track, and Shout Out Events and Social Activities!

How did you get the idea for your company?

As avid event goers, we noticed that there was no online home for sharing out our future events or activities, just sites full of ads, commercialized or technology-oriented sites. So we decided to create, a social calendar that will let you share all your future activities with the contacts you have on any site that has any kind of social relevance - no irrelevant status updates or flash games- this way let our friends know where to find us when the time comes, but also raise awareness as regards those events.

Tell us about your funding history. Are you currently looking for funding? If so, how much?

Bootstrapped. Eventually we will start fund raising as we see the progress fits into our overall business model.

How many employees do you have? How many developers?

2 co-founders, we do all business and technical work.

Are you hiring?If yes, what are you hiring for and where?

Not yet but definitely we would like to see our team growing with exceptional people in the near future.

Which platform are you building on?Why?

Our website is of course based on Microsoft technology -.NET in combination with SQL server which offers developers code practices and patterns to deliver powerful and scalable websites. We chose it because of our familiarity with the technology and its proven benefit as well.

Where do you see opportunities today in the Software/Internet area?

We see technology being close to full bloom as it is being more and more part of everyday lives. Building Mobile and localized apps will be key, along with Cloud hosted database storage and API’s as they will allow developing exciting products spending less time on the infrastructure.

What do you think about the BizSpark Program?

We think BizSpark is a great program that really lets us have the opportunity to take advantage of the resources Microsoft offers in the technology and mentorship fields; with the help of this program we can focus on bring up our idea as a product without worrying about development resources you can also increase the networking possibilities during these early stages; something every start-up should consider.

Do you have any advice for young Software entrepreneurs?

Work with people that have the same desire for success as you do, don’t worry about protecting ideas, execute; being an entrepreneur is not easy be patient and persistent.

Who’s your role model?

Our Parents relentless understanding of taking something small such as an idea and executing it to its full potential, something we learned from them.

What’s the ONE THING you would like readers to take away from this interview?

Our website has been released, we have worked hard to create a tool that allow people share what is on their calendar; we believe that with passion, effort and the right mind set, the journey will be a rewarding one.