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BizSpark Startup of the Day - Model IT

The BizSpark startup of the day is Model IT, based in Finland. Below you will find an interview with Osmo Jauri, Co-founder and CEO of Model IT. All the best to them and congratulations for being the startup of the day!


Tell us who you are and your role in the company:

I am Osmo Jauri and co-founder and currently CEO of Model IT. Our business is to create custom made turn key applications for the financial sector. Examples include fund and asset management solutions, investment analysis, VAR-models, insurance MCEV modeling and solvency planning.

What did you do before creating your company?

I spent 25 years working with banking, insurance and asset management. I have served in management and as a board member in many roles, including using, buying, selling, developing and providing IT services.

How do you feel being the most promising ‘Startup of the Day’ per Microsoft BizSpark?

I am both excited and surprised. BizSpark has boosted our operations by providing networking, development tools, guidance and now this opportunity present ourselves to other BizSpark people. We believe that we have already accomplished something revolutionary and unique for our customers – and we are just at the beginning of our journey.

What is your company’s mission?

We seek for outstanding customer satisfaction. Our mission is to make our clients to reach their goals by using Model IT technology.

In 140 characters or less, tell us what your company does:

We create custom made solutions to provide new services and greater efficiency and quality. We have strong business background, we stay focused in development and we deliver in schedule.

How did you get the idea for your company?

We have seen too many IT projects, where software delivery converts one problem into another instead of easing customers’ life. There are also many cases where missing links between systems or data bases make efficiency and quality collapse. In our deliveries we are going to change this.

Tell us about your funding history. Are you currently looking for funding? If so, how much?

So far we have been funded by cash-flow, but we consider business angel or VC funding.

How many employees do you have? How many developers?

Today we are five persons, everybody working as developer, project manager and sales person.

Are you hiring?If yes, what are you hiring for and where?

We are looking for a xRM wizard with financial sector background in Helsinki.

Which platform are you building on?Why?

We try to pick up the right tools for each case. Typical delivery contains C#, MatLab and SQL Server (and SQL Server tools) - and more and more Microsoft xRM.

Where do you see opportunities today in the Software/Internet area?

We are going to develop Microsoft xRM to run financial sector businesses in one platform. This will have a major impact in IT costs.

What do you think about the BizSpark Program?

It has been a very positive surprise in many ways. I strongly recommend it.

Do you have any advice for young Software entrepreneurs?

Stay focused, and if you don't, be aware that you don't.

Who’s your role model?

All who stay services minded and offer help when needed.

What’s the ONE THING you would like readers to take away from this interview?

For us it is vital that we understand the business our clients are running. Is it vital for you too?