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Start Planning for adCenter API v7 upgrade: Sneak Preview Webcast April 29th

The adCenter API v7 upgrade is coming later this spring and we want to make sure you have the information that you need to plan ahead and update your API code to take advantage of some valuable updates.

The release date is not official yet and we’ll announce it here on the blog as soon as it is set.

Meanwhile, we can give you an idea of some features in the adCenter API v7 update. (Keep in mind, there is a chance the features may change before the final release.)

Some of the features in the works:

  • Expanded availability of REST APIs for campaign management.
  • New APIs for managing customer accounts: GetCustomer and GetPilotFlags calls for example.
  • Editorial APIs to provide actionable feedback on ads that get rejected for editorial.
  • Improved reports with delivered vs. bidded match types.
  • Better visibility for how keywords and negative keyword combinations are interpreted.
  • The ability to opt out of mobile distribution for advertisers who prefer only PC-based ads.

Webcast sessions are scheduled at 1 P.M. Pacific time on the following dates:

  • April 29th
  • May 27th
  • June 24th

More dates will be announced and new times for our international developers.

These sessions provide an excellent opportunity for developers and business customers to learn about the API changes and to ask questions of the product team. If you have requests or questions that you would like to see covered in one of these sessions, please post in the comments below or in the adCenter API Forum.

If you have not used Live Meeting before, we recommend visiting API Live Meeting before the session begins to complete any required installation steps.

To attend the live meeting session, use this URL:

- We look forward to hearing from you,



  • Anonymous
    March 31, 2011
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