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Announcing migration of monthly to daily budgets

As a follow up to our announcement last year, we are now confirming that by April 30th, all Bing Ads entry points (Bing Ads API, Web application, Editor, and Mobile apps) will stop supporting monthly budgets for all markets.

There will be a forced migration where all campaign level unshared monthly budgets will be converted to a daily budget as follows:


Daily budget amount = Monthly budget amount / 30.4


  1. If the result of the division in the formula above results in a value which is below the minimum allowed campaign budget, it will be automatically set to the minimum value.
  2. Delivery type will be set to “DailyBudgetAccelerated” for daily budgets.


The migration will be rolled out by customer from March through April, and once your customer is migrated then you will not be permitted to add or update monthly budgets. The following changes apply to the API:

  • API v10 attempts to add or update monthly budgets will result in an error and all existing budgets will be returned as daily.
  • API v11 will never support monthly budgets.


We strongly recommend moving your campaign monthly budgets to daily budgets before March when the migration to daily budget takes place.