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Brian Groth's Life at Microsoft

A technologist helping marketing and advertising

More about the WMI Command-Line (WMIC)

I thought I would do a few searches for WMIC, and I realized I am a bit behind the times. From July...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/11/2004

Flight Simulator 2004

Scoble has a couple of recent blogs about Flight Simulator 2004 that are pretty interesting: Their...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/09/2004

My Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) Results

I thought of one more management related topic to share with you.... my own brain. Managers are...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/08/2004

Summary of Brian Groth's Management Tips

I don't claim to be the worlds best or most experienced manager at Microsoft, but I do try to share...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/07/2004

Management Tip: Growing Skills and Driving Careers

My approach to self improvement is pretty simple: You and your employees need to keep improving your...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/07/2004

Management Tip: Motivating your Employees

How do you motivate people, especially if they work for you? I ran across this list regarding how to...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/06/2004

Management Tip: Principals for Leadership

Today's tip is around the principals for leadership to help keep you focused on leading your team....

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/06/2004

Why run the RemoteRegistry Service?

In a recent post of mine, Uses for the TaskList Command Line app in Windows XP SP2, someone (didn’t...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/05/2004

Differences between SPS and WSS

What are the differences between SharePoint Portal Server and Windows SharePoint Services? Sure,...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/05/2004

Management Tip: Be Aware of What Is Behind Your Actions

Thanks to Dennis Grindberg for pointing out the Achieve model for change in a feedback for my...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/05/2004

Management Tip: Selling Your Vision

As a manager, you often have to get people excited in your plan, ideas, or goals. I call this...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/05/2004

Media Center Moves Out My TV

A great write-up about how seeing a Windows XP Media Center in someone’s living room is really...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/05/2004

Management Tip: Negotiating and/or Meetings

Chances are, if you are a manager you are going to hold meetings and you’ll actually want something...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/04/2004

Living with Virtual Server and Remote Desktop

As I have mentioned in previous blogs, my job involves building a very large demo. The way we build...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/04/2004

Developing for the Microsoft Smart Watch

Some fellow bloggers have recently pointed out that MSN Direct is looking for some creative...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/03/2004

The C prompt – command line information

To some, the command-line (Start, Run, CMD) is a confusing place to be. To others, it’s the place to...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/02/2004

Management Tip: Active Listening

Tip number 2 is about “active listening”, which can be useful in any interaction, but...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/01/2004

Management Tip: Giving Feedback

Over the years, I have compiled a handful of tips that I try to refer to as a manager, employee, and...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 10/01/2004

Using a GPS

Have you ever got seriously into navigating or tracking yourself with a GPS? I am thinking of...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/30/2004

Feedback on Microsoft Products

Have you ever wanted to tell Microsoft about a feature that you want in a product? You can easily do...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/30/2004

NASA World Wind

This is great! Thanks to Steve Makofsky for pointing it out. Check out NASA's WorldWind software...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/30/2004

Solar Power in Washington State

Yes it is possible and you can learn more about it on October 2nd (this Saturday) at a variety of...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/30/2004

An InfoPath Form to Translate Text

InfoPath is part of the Microsoft Office System and lets you easily create forms that can do pretty...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/29/2004

Solar Powered Backpack

I just saw this via Gizmodo: The Voltaic backpack has 3 waterproof solar panels embedded into the...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/29/2004

The Microsoft Home

The Seattle Times has an article about the latest version of the Microsoft Home. It's hard to...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/28/2004

How to deploy Windows XP SP2?

There are quite a few ways to deploy Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2). Check out what TechNet has to...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/28/2004

Why is a manhole cover round? A Microsoft interview question.

OK, so it probably isn't an "official" interview question (if there are any), but I have asked it...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/27/2004

Uses for the TaslkList Command Line app in Windows XP SP2

This entry is a very simple explanation of "TaskList /SVC /FO TABLE" When using Windows Task...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/27/2004

PowerPoint Speaker Notes Text to Speech via the Excel Object Model

Back when Office XP was in beta, I was building "Information Worker" demos. One of them was to show...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/26/2004

Customer and Technical Facilities at Microsoft

When I tell people that I work at the Redmond MTC, I often get asked about other customer-focused...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/25/2004

How environmentally friendly is your community?

Thankfully, Seattle is still a pretty clean place to live, although traffic seems to get worse all...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/25/2004

Living Your Values

At Microsoft, we are fortunate enough to have a variety of guest speakers come to campus. Recently,...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/24/2004

Partnering with the MTC: The Enterprise Engineering Center

Check out the Enterprise Engineering Center’s WebLog at We partner with...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/24/2004

Japanese Business Relations and Culture

I just wrapped up a day-long training session with Doug Lipp and some of his associates. The course...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/23/2004

The demo at a Microsoft Technology Center

So what is in this demo that I have mentioned? Without listing all the products that we have in it,...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/23/2004

You can buy an old ski chair!

If only I had the room for one. Check this out from a newsletter I just got from...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/23/2004

The Demo and the Demo Platform at the Microsoft Technology Centers

More about what my team and I do: From...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/22/2004

New MSFT blog, but different

What Makes This Blog Different? Most of the blogs at Microsoft are from some great people who either...

Author: Brian Groth Date: 09/22/2004
