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Hotmail’s Large and Engaged Audience

At work, I focus on Microsoft Advertising. We sell ads that appear on MSN, Hotmail, Messenger, Skype, Xbox LIVE and so on. Anand Babu just posted a blog about using SkyDrive, which has all sorts of interesting bits of information and pointers to get better use out of SkyDrive. But, what sparked my interest as someone in the advertising industry was this:

Every day, the average office worker receives over 170 email messages a day, and sends over 35. With that kind of volume, it’s understandable that over half of the average work day consists of dealing with email. That’s over 1000 hours a year.

In Hotmail alone, there are over 1 billion email messages sent with file attachments per week.

I was surprised to learn this and it made me realize that it’s a great proof point for advertisers to realize that we’ve got a large and engaged audience. See for more information about advertising on Hotmail.