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Marketing Eye for the Dev Guy, part II

Finally, the master has revealed himself.

My imminently suave co-worker, nicknamed by our director Sandy Khaund "Dayslick" at last year's TechEd, wearer of a tie to Microsoft just last week - Dave Morehouse is blogging.

Followers of my blog have seen me write odes to Dave before in Marketing Eye for the Dev Guy Part I. Dave is that person in our group who not only makes documents that Lenoardo da Vinci weep, but wears clothes to make Leonardio di Caprio envious.

Dave is that guy who keeps us on our toes and reminds us what slobs we truly are. His office is furnished, not with Microsoft Standard Gray Issue Furniture (tm), but classy Dania light beech. I kid you not. His is the snazziest office in my row, and not even counting the fact that my office with wall to wall Diet Coke remnants (dried and metallic) skews the average down.

While I do this blog pimpage for others on my team, I feel compelled to add commentary on blogs that you can see clearly linked from Dave's blog. Jana Carter is our eternally perky, upbeat champion of forums and chat...go to her blog if you want to feel good for sure. Brent, the only program manager on our team who could play Ol' Union Guy, will not exactly cheer you up, but he will make you wonder. It's not possible to categorize Brent's point of view except strictly his own, don't come crying to me, etc. :)

It's not clear what Dave will do against this backdrop of perky and quirky, but my guess it will be better dressed than any Microsoft employee has a right to be.

You go there, Dave. And while you are at it, tell me how you get your office all tidy like that. :)
