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Potential additions to the Math class [Katy King]

In preparation for the next version of the product, we've collected suggestions for additions to the Math class and related classes.  To give you an idea of the kinds of things people ask us for, here are a list of some of the requests we've received.  We’re curious to know which of  these (if any) seem interesting to this audience, and why?  (Namely, what are you working on that you could leverage the specific capability listed?)  Is there anything missing from the list which would be useful?

  • Implement single-precision trig (and other) overloads.  For many functions that currently take a Double, add overloads that take a Single.
  • Inverse hyperbolic functions (ACosh, ASinh, and ATanh)
  • More trig functions (csc, sec, cot)
  • Min and Max overloads that take more than two arguments
  • Other functions that take a variable number of args - Sum() and Average(), for example
  • Complex number support
  • Bitshifting - RightShift and LeftShift on integral types (not currently available in VB)
  • Arbitrary-precision decimal numbers (BigDecimal)
  • Factorial
  • Permutations, Combinations (see <> for definitions)
  • Math.Pow() overload for Decimal
  • Convert between degrees and radians
  • Support for vectors and vector math (probably not in the Math class)
  • Add new values to the MidpointRounding enum - which ones?
  • Provide a different math model for operations, that throws instead of obeying IEEE (returning NaN/Infinity).  (Note that it is extremely unlikely that we will change our model at this point.)


  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2005
    The current version of VB does support bitshifting and I have production code in use that uses the bitshift operators.

    This must be an old suggestion from someone who was using the 1.0 (VB 2002) release instead of 1.1 (VB 2003).
  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2005
    Most of the mentioned features are nice especially the inverse hyperbolics and converting between degrees, radians and gradians. You might also consider adding support for comparing floating point values within a default (and a specified) epsilon - think AlmostEquals. :-)
  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2005
    If you're planning on adding vector math routins and complex numbers why not also add quaternions (usefull for 3D applications) etc...

    In fact, I dont see why the managed directx math routins can't be a part of the framework (Some of us want to use 3D math and geometry routins without using DirectX...)
  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2005
    It would be great if you could provide a rounding method that rounds up for >=.5 and down otherwise. We use this in the European financial sector.

    public static decimal Round(decimal d)
    return decimal.Truncate((d<0.0m)?(d-0.5m):(d+0.5m));

  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2005
    Vector and vector operations, Matrix and matrix operations(+, -, *, det). It would be great to have all implementation of Vector and Matrix generic-based.
  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2005
    Take a look at the C/C++ floating point support


    There is quite a lot missing from the Math class, which in much more essential than convenience stuff like degrees to radians
  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2005
    Conversion between degrees and radians would be the biggest win for us. We do a lot of it now (and thus have routines for it), but to offload this effort to the Framework would help clean up our namespace.

    Many of the others would be nice, but I can't quite put my finger on a business case for them at the moment.
  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2005
    Permutations and combinations.
    Radians/degrees conversion.
  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2005
    The most useful for me would be:
    1. Conversion between decimal and degrees. This would be convenient. In fact my preferred embodiment would be to encapsulate this in an "Angle" class with properties "Degrees" and "Radians". I've been on a number of projects that have had bugs related to incorrect interpretation of a "double".
    2. Variable argument versions of: Sum(), Average(), Min(), Max()
    3. Single precision trig functions. Would be convenient.
    4. Complex Number support. Don't need it now, but would sure prefer not to write or source my own if/when I do.
    5. Vector and vector math. This might be useful if:
    a. There is also a matrix class, or I can implement my own by wrapping vector class in a straightforward manner.
    b. Performance is close to an unmanaged implementation. My experience is that my hand-tuned unsafe C# implementation of a vector-matrix multiplication was still a factor of 2 slower than using P/Invoke with a native C implementation.
  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2005
    I want to add my vote to Min and Max taking more than two arguments.
  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2005
    BigInt would be my #1 request.
  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2005
    Here's my opinion. + is good, - is not so good.

    - Single-precision trig (and other) overloads. Not very useful. I believe most calculations should be done (but not necessarily stored) in Double precision anyway.

    ++ Inverse hyperbolic functions. Yes, please. This is clearly missing.

    -- More trig functions (csc, sec, cot). Not very useful: they have a very simple expression in terms of sin,cos, etc. Most expressions are easier to read with sin, cos than with csc, sec anyway.

    ++ Min and Max overloads that take more than two arguments. Definite yes. System.Math is the only place to put these.

    + Sum() and Average(), for example. Useful but not a priority.

    + Complex number support. Sounds good, but it's hard to do this right.

    o Arbitrary-precision decimal numbers (BigDecimal): this is already available through the J# library (vjslib.dll)

    o+ Factorial, Permutations, Combinations: useful.

    ++ Math.Pow() overload for Decimal: Yes, and what about Math.Pow for integer powers?

    - Convert between degrees and radians: define the conversion factor as a constant?

    + Support for vectors and vector math (probably not in the Math class). Many .NET assumptions don't hold for vectors, with severe performance penalties if you ignore this.

    + Add new values to the MidpointRounding enum - which ones? Simply provide the 4 'standard' rouding modes wherever available: up, down, to zero, to nearest/even.

    ++ Provide a different math model for operations, that throws instead of obeying IEEE (returning NaN/Infinity). This is IEEE default behavior. Could be extremely useful, along with "sticky bits", but exceptions would have to be made a lot cheaper for this to live up to its potential.

    Other items I would like to see:

    +++++ Have the JIT inline value type methods.

    +++ Support for floating-point exception flags ("sticky bits")

    ++ More meaningful constants for Single and Double: NegativeZero and constants related to range and precision, including the 'actual' Epsilon. (See float.h for inspiration.)

    + Three more functions: Expm1 (Exp(x)-1 for higher precision when x is around 0), Log1p (Log(1+x) for x around 0) and hypot(x, y).

    + Support for setting rounding modes.
  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2005
    You must know, the number one "gotcha" about Math on the newsgroups is Round? No one expects that function to do bankers rounding, and mathematically it is usually useless.

    I like these new items but I do not think Vector or Matrix should go into the System dll.
  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2005
    So much cool feedback here all, we really appreciate it, thanks. On Rounding by the way, check out the new overloads in recent bits, and you'll notice we have a new overload which allows you tou round the traditional way ;-)
  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2005
    Shital, your criticism miss two crucial points. Java's numerical support is worse than .NET's. Also, the BCL is an excellent general purpose library. Like it or not, numerical computing is not mainstream.

    The issue I have is with the platform itself, which should be broad enough to support specialized applications. Some design decisions in .NET are extremely questionable from a numerical performance perspective. These should be addressed first. My list of top issues:

    - inlining of value type methods. It seems they didn't address the #1 performance scenario for value types.

    - the CLR throws arithmetic exceptions, which are way too expensive to be useful in numerical computations.

    - compliance with the IEEE-754/IEC 60559 standard is minimal. No rounding modes, no exception flags, no traps.

    - reference types with value semantics are assumed to be immutable. This is manageable for strings (thanks to StringBuilder) but doesn't work at all for vectors and matrices.

    - example: C# does not support overloading of compound assignment operators. x+=y is always interpreted as x = x+y. This leaves 2 choices: take a huge performance hit (up to 50x), or don't use operator overloading (even though math objects are primary candidates for overloading).

    None of these are BCL issues, so a comment on the BCL team blog may not be the best place to list them. Then again, it shows what must happen before some functionality can be included in the BCL.
  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2005
    Matrix math and rounding options would be a great thing...
  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2005
    We really need to have interfaces that define permissable mathematical operations that types can support. This will allow us to build very cool generic algorithms, along with the very cool generic containers.

  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2005
  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2005
    I really would like to see single-precision versions of the math functions, but I can see two potential problems with that:

    Aren't all the calculations done at the same precision anyway? Unless there's a special operator for single-precision floating point sine, putting overloads on there might give the illusion that you'll get better performance. I'd love to be wrong here, but isn't single-precision only helpful for saving space?

    Also, this would potentially break source-code compatability. Wouldn't the following code change?

    BinaryWriter writer = ...;
    float number = ...;

    Currently, this would involve an implicit cast up to double, and a double would be written. With a single-precision overload, a float would be written.
  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2005
    "x+=y is always interpreted as x = x+y."
    Uh, because that is the way it is supposed to work...
    x+=y is just a shorter way of saying x=x+y. It would be stupid to change the behavior. Having the += operator not do addition would be confusing.
  • Anonymous
    March 18, 2005

    Of course the result of x += y should be that x equals x+y.

    The difference is that x += y now always creates a new instance. You don't "add y to x", you "give x the result of x+y."

    Aside from the slight semantic difference, this is also a performance trap. It's widely documented that += is not to be used for string concatenation inside loops. Ok, for strings we have StringBuilder, but that solution isn't feasible for all such "large value types" (i.e. reference types with value semantics). Two primary examples are vectors and matrices.

    So I want in C# what C++/CLI does: allow me to optimize when I want to (i.e. override +=), and use the default behavior when I don't care to optimize.
  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2005
    As somebody who writes lots of numerical PDE stuff in the financial derivatives industry, I can tell you a few things:

    1. The guys selling numerical libraries DO NOT GET the concept of a well designed API. Most of them still come from the C world and there are very few .dlls out there that actually even have a native interface to .NET (ie no COM). Given that you didn't have support for this stuff in the beginning, anybody doing any sort of numerics work either wrote their own custom stuff or used somebody else's. The single best thing you could do is go out and beat up the third party vendors about their API designs. They're terrible. Maybe MS API certification or something? Realistically, you guys aren't ever (nor should you) going to be doing anything like implementing FFT or something. So if you really want to improve offerings for numerics, put the right kind of "positive pressure" on the 3rd parties.

    2. As a result of #1, you have to be really careful about coming up with new monolithic objects at this point. Most library guys actually develop their own vector and matrix classes. Personally, I'd prefer that any vector and matrix support offered by the framework come in the form of either operator overloading of value-type arrays in the framework or through additional static methods. My personal linear algebra library setup is called from my namespace System.MathX.LinearAlgebra, and contains only static methods.

    3. Complex numbers would be a very nice feature, but my understanding is that right now there's some kind of inlining problem with structs or something that makes them perform poorly... In any case, my industry doesn't really need complex numbers but most engineers use them all the time.

    I tried to stick to things that I felt actually added something that others had not said.
  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2005
  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2005
  1. Min and Max overloads that take more than two arguments - important, also take array[]; general feature
    Other functions that take a variable number of args - Sum() and Average(), and Product(), again on args[] and on normal arays
    Math.Pow() overload for Decimal - yes, this is important
    2) My tips - mybe not for Math - more support for converts to/from hexnumbers