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Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) January 2011 Update released with lots of new exercises and sample

On January 24th 2011, Windows Azure Team,  released an
update to the Identity
Developer Training Kit

Windows Azure Team also released the first MSDN-hosted
Identity Developer Training Course
, an online version of the kit where
all the labs instructions and setup files are unbundled and individually

Windows Identity Foundation Guru Vittorio Bertocci also blogged about this announcement here.





January 2011
Identity Developer Training Kit


Besides the usual WIF
workshop videos & decks and the labs on WIF + ASP.NET, WIF+WCF, delegation,
WIF & Silverlight integration and ACSv1, the news in the January release are:


·       New lab on using the ACS
December Labs release for federating with multiple business identity
providers (ie ADFS2), using the ACS management API and more

·       The introductory lab on web identity providers,
rules and HDR has been updated to the December Labs release of ACS

·       The Windows Azure Single Sign On lab and the WIF+WCF
on Windows Azure
lab have been updated to the Windows Azure SDK 1.3 and the new
Silverlight portal


In addition to
the update, the single, extra-long exercise in WIF+WCF on Windows Azure
has been refactored in 3 different exercises


·       New slide deck on identity
and the cloud
, complete with speaker notes, ready for you to
(taken from this, but with all the ink transformed into
PowerPoint animations ;-))

·       The setup of all labs have been revved to the latest
version of the dependency checker

·       The resources list has been updated