Links to Microsoft WiX developer blogs
I have been semi-regularly attending the weekly meetings (described by Rob Mensching in this blog post) to work on the WiX toolset. This past week, as I was eating some excellent chocolate chip cookies provided by Peter Marcu's wife, I realized that most of the regular contributors to the WiX code base here at Microsoft have their own blogs and have been writing in them fairly regularly. I wanted to provide a list of links to WiX developer blogs because many of them contain valuable information about setup development in general and WiX specifically.
- Rob Mensching ( and - Rob is the founder of WiX and the "benevolant dictator"
- Justin Rockwood ( - Justin is a WiX developer whose primary focus is the Votive Visual Studio add-in
- Bob Arnson ( - Bob is a WiX developer who created the WixUI library and has been working in several other areas recently
- Peter Marcu ( - Peter is a WiX developer who has been working extensively on patching features in WiX v3.0; he has recently revived his blog and has been describing the new patching features there
- Derek Cicerone ( - Derek is a retired WiX developer whose blog contains useful information about WiX, particularly some enhancements in WiX v3.0 such as Heat, Torch and Pyro, built-in ICE validation and the NGEN custom action
I encourage you to keep an eye on the above blogs if you are a setup developer and/or if you are working with WiX.
- Anonymous
May 18, 2007
Windows Installeriga on küllaltki keerukas algajal otsi lahti teha. Mul endalgi on üks installer käsil ja tänu keerukamale funktsionaalsusele, mida see peab pakkuma, tuli ka rohkem süveneda Windows Installeri hingeellu. Leidsin internetis ringi tu...