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What the heck does /genmigxml do?

Hello guys and gals, Kim Nichols here with my first AskDS post. While deciding on a title, I did a quick search on the word "heck" on our AskDS blog to see if Ned was going to give me any grief. Apparently, we "heck" a lot around here, so I guess it's all good. :-)

I'm hoping to shed some light on USMT's /genmigxml switch and uncover the truth behind which XML files must be included for both scanstate and loadstate. I recently had a USMT 4 case where the customer was using the /genmigxml switch during scanstate to generate a custom XML file, mymig.xml. After creating the custom XML, the file was added to the scanstate command via the /i:mymigxml switch along with any other custom XML files. When referencing the file again on loadstate, loadstate failed with errors similar to the following:

2011-08-01 18:40:50, Info [0x080000] Current XML stack: <component type="Documents" context="KIMN\test2" defaultSupported="Yes"> "External_UserDocs - KIMN\test2"

2011-08-01 18:40:50, Error [0x08055d] MXE Agent: Migration XML C:\USMT\amd64\mig.xml is not properly formatted. Message: context attribute has an invalid value.


2011-08-01 18:40:50, Error [0x000000] EngineStartup caught exception: FormatException: context attribute has an invalid value. class UnBCL::ArrayList<class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *> *__cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::LoadComponents(class Mig::CPlatform *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::XmlNode *,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *,class Mig::CUserContext *)


2011-08-01 18:40:50, Info [0x080000] COutOfProcPluginFactory::FreeSurrogateHost: Shutdown in progress

From this error, it appears that user KIMN\test2 is invalid for some reason. What is interesting is if that user logs on to the computer prior to running loadstate, loadstate completes successfully. Requiring all users to log on prior to migrating their data is not recommended and can cause issues with application migration.

I did some research to get a better understanding of the purpose behind the /genmigxml switch and why we hadn't received more calls on this issue. Here's what I found:

Technet: What's New in USMT 4.0 -

“This option specifies that the ScanState command should use the document finder to create and export an .xml file that defines how to migrate all of the files found on the computer on which the ScanState command is running. The document finder, or MigXmlHelper.GenerateDocPatterns helper function, can be used to automatically find user documents on a computer without authoring extensive custom migration .xml files.”

Technet : Best Practices -

“You can Utilize the /genmigxml command-line option to determine which files will be included in your migration, and to determine if any modifications are necessary.”

Technet: Step-by-Step: Basic Windows Migration using USMT for IT Professionals -

"In USMT 4.0, the MigXmlHelper.GenerateDocPatterns function can be used to automatically find user documents on a computer without authoring extensive custom migration .xml files. This function is included in the MigDocs.xml sample file downloaded with the Windows AIK. "

We can use /genmigxml to get an idea of what the migdocs.xml file is going to collect for a specific user. We don't specifically document what you should do with the generated XML besides review it. Logic might lead us to believe that, similar to the /genconfig switch, we should generate this XML file and include it on both our scanstate and our loadstate operations if we want to make modifications to which data is gathered for a specific user. This is where we run into the issue above, though.

If we take a look inside this XML file, we see a list of locations from which scanstate will collect documents. This list includes the path for each user profile on the computer. Here's a section from mymigxml.xml in my test environment. Notice that this is the same user from my loadstate log file above.


So, if including this file generates errors, why use it? The answer is /genmigxml was only intended to provide a sample of what will be migrated using the standard XML files. The XML is machine-specific and not generalized for use on multiple computers. If you need to alter the default behavior of migdocs.xml to exclude or include files/folders for specific users on a specific computer, modify the file generated via /genmigxml for use with scanstate. This file contains user-specific profile paths so don't include it with loadstate.

But wait… I thought all XML files had to be included in both scanstate and loadstate?

The actual answer is it depends. In the USMT 4.0 FAQ, we specify including the same XML files for both scanstate and loadstate. However, immediately following that sentence, we state that you don't have to include the Config.xml on loadstate unless you want to exclude some files that were migrated to the store.

The more complete answer is the default XML files (migapp.xml & migdocs.xml) need to be included in both scanstate and loadstate if you want any of the rerouting rules to apply; for instance, migrating from one version of Office to another. Because migapp.xml & migdocs.xml transform OS and user data to be compatible with a different version of the OS/Office, you must include both files on scanstate and on loadstate.

As for your custom XML files (aside from the one generated from /genmigxml), these only need to be specified in loadstate if you are rerouting files or excluding files that were migrated to the store from migrating down to the new computer during loadstate.

To wrap this up, in most cases migdocs.xml migrates everything you need. If you are curious about what will be collected you can run /genmigxml to find out, but the output is computer-specific, you can’t use it without modification.

- Kim "Boilermaker" Nichols


  • Anonymous
    September 22, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 22, 2011
    If you look closely, you'll see postings from Jonathan Stephens, Mike Stephens, Jason Fournerat, and some old ones from Craig Landis. They like to use me for the non-fun editing, drafting, and and post-formatting issues. Ya mule. :)

  • Anonymous
    September 22, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 22, 2011
    Bah! I make it a habit to forward all positive feedback on to the real author and their manager. And that's why I add the "name with tag" to the begining of every post: so you can find all articles by that author (which the "posted by" will not tell a complete history). I do it all for you, Jonathan. Join us. We aaaalllll flooooaaat ddoooowwwnnn heeeerrreee...

  • Anonymous
    September 22, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 22, 2011
    Yeah, the Telligent editor experience is... well, not much fun actually. I used to serve as “that guy who does posting stuff” for the Russian Virtualization blog (/vm) for a couple of years. Though we didn't want to mess with “impersonation”—mostly to have some freedom while expressing personal points of view. So we developed a two-step publishing workflow. First, an actual author logs in using his own account and posts a draft. Usually it was something ugly with broken Word HTML. Then I “prettified” it and made all posts looking like the real web.

  • Anonymous
    September 23, 2011
    Alright everyone... let's hug it out!  :)