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Error Message: Windows cannot access the required file d:sourcesinstall.wim when replacing install.wim with custom install.wim

My name is Scott McArthur, a Senior Support Escalation Engineer who focuses on deployment issues. My topic for today’s blog entry involves an issue where a customer was deploying Windows Server 2008 by replacing the default install.wim on the Windows Server 2008 media with a custom install.wim.

When booting up the DVD they encountered the following error

Windows cannot access the required file d:sourcesinstall.wim. Make sure all files that are required for installation are available, and restart the installation.

The x:windowspanthersetuperr.log contained the following:

SetWindowsImageInfoOnBB:Failed while updating EditionID for volume PID.[gle=0x00000057]

CallBack_SetImageInfoOnBB:Failed to read and cache the Windows image's metadata; GLE is [0x0]

CallBack_SetImageInfoOnBB:An error occurred while trying to read and cache the images' metadata;

This error can occur if default install.wim located in the sources folder is replaced with a custom install.wim but the image was not captured by using the /flags switch.

When you deploy a custom install.wim with Image Based Setup (IBS) it must know the edition of the image.

You can verify this by running the imagex /info command with the install.wim. For example

imagex /info d:sourcesinstall.wim

The image metadata must contain an entry similar to this. If you do not see the following metadata entry then you know it was not captured by using /flags


When capturing the image you must use the following syntax

Imagex /capture c: z:data.wim "drive c" /flags "EditionId"

Where EditionID is:

HomeBasic, HomePremium, Starter, Ultimate, Business, Enterprise, ServerDatacenter, ServerEnterprise,


To fix this without re-capturing the image do the following on computer that has the WAIK installed

1. Click Start, All Programs, Microsoft Windows AIK, and select “Windows PE Tools Command Prompt”

2. Copy whole contents of DVD to c:flat

3. Run the following command to add the EditionID to the metadata

Imagex /info c:flatsourcesinstall.wim 1 "image-name" "description" /flags "EditionID"

4. Run the following command to recapture the ISO

oscdimg.exe -n -h -m c:flat c:2008.iso

Note if you use Microsoft Deployment Toolkit to create and capture your images it automatically adds the /flags switch. Microsoft Deployment Toolkit is the preferred tool to use for deploying Windows.

Additional information on the /flags switch can be found in the Windows AIK help files. Specifically the WAIK.CHM in the imagex command line options.

Scott McArthur
Senior Support Escalation Engineer
Microsoft Enterprise Platforms Support


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Is it possible to deploy a captured XP .wim image via USB using a Vista/ 7 PE?If so what would the "EditionID" flag be for the various flavours of XP?Many thanks.
  • Anonymous
    November 21, 2010
    Excellent article, recently I download the iso image related to Small Business Server 2008 and I found the same problem with the image DVD4_AddServerInstallationx64.iso selected in spanish lenguage, so I will tray your
  • Anonymous
    February 28, 2011
    Can the flags metadata be used in an unattend.xml?<metadata>  <key>/IMAGE/FLAGS</key>  <value>"EditionID"</value></metadata>
  • Anonymous
    September 02, 2014
    Thanks a lot for detailed explanation.
  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2014
    Hey does anyone have any updated instructions for doing this on WinPE v5 which doesn't use imagex but has all the capture and deployment stuff combined into dism?
  • Anonymous
    March 30, 2015
    howcan I create one for Windows 8.1 Enterrprise? Where do I run the command?