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Error 0xC0000034 during Service Pack 1 installations for Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2

I've seen several reports now of the following error (or something similar):

!! 0xc0000034 !! 142/53007 (_0000000000000000.cdf-ms)

Note If you restart the computer, you experience the same error message.

If you're hitting one of these errors, you have a few options depending on the OS you're using.

Option 1 (Win7 client only) : Use a system restore point to recover the system

  • This one is pretty self explanatory. Boot your machine into WinRE and pick a restore point before the service pack was installed. This should get you back up and running. 
  • This doesnt work on server

Option 2 (Win7 client and 2008 R2 server) : Delete the poqexec entry

  • Boot into WinRE and choose a command prompt then run the following commands and restart the computer:
    • Reg load HKLMBaseSystem C:WindowsSystem32configSYSTEM
    • Reg Delete "HKLMBaseSystemCurrentControlSetControlSession Manager" /v SetupExecute
    • Reg add "HKLMBaseSystemCurrentControlSetControlSession Manager" /v SetupExecute /t REG_MULTI_SZ
    • Reg unload HKLMBaseSystem
  • If you're more graphically inclined, you can use this method:
    • Boot into WinRE
    • Open Registry Editor using regedit.exe 
    • Now you will have the WinRE registry loaded so you need to load the “ System ” hive
    • To do that : Highlight HKLM then Click on File > Load Hive > Browse to C:windowssystem32config (assuming C: being the system drive )
    • Name the Hive as TEST 
    • Browse to HKLMTESTselect and check the value for “ Current “
    • Assuming the value as (1) browse to HKLMTESTControlSet001ControlSessionManager
    • Locate and double click the key “SetupExecute ” at the right panel 
    • Delete any value inside the key and click OK
    • Highlight TEST and then Click on File > Unload hive
    • Type exit at cmd
    • Reboot the machine

NOTE: I've seen several people that have called in and said that they cant find the values referenced in this blog once they have booted into WinRE. Please remember that when you are booted into WinRE you are booted into a RAMDRIVE. This means that when you open the registry editor you are actually seeing the hives from WinRE and NOT the ones from Windows. When you need to make sure you are loading the system hive from your Windows drive and not WinRE.

If this does not get your installation up and running there is another available workaround posted in the forums here:

It is not recommended that you edit the pending.xml but this may get your machine booted properly. If you are desperate, feel free to try this at your own risk. I wrote about why you want to be careful with this here:

If you're planning on opening an issue with SP1 for this, please try and gather the following information before you call, it will greatly help us in working on the issue:

  • Windowssystem32configCOMPONENT and SYSTEM (files)
  • WindowsLogsCBS*
  • Windowsservicingsessionssessions.xml
  • Windowswinsxspoqexec.log
  • Windowswinsxspending.xml
  • > dir /s /b %windir%winsxs > %computername%_winsxs.txt
  • WindowsWindowsUpdate.log

Hope this helps.

Joseph Conway
Senior Support Escalation Engineer
Microsoft Enterprise Platforms Support


  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2011
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2011
    "...when you open the registry editor you are actually seeing the hives from WinRE and NOT the ones from Windows."When loading registry hives from an offline system, i always use the format:RootKeyoffline_<HIVE>Example: reg load HKLMoffline_SYSTEM C:Windowssystem32configSYSTEMThat way it remains obvious what hives have been manually loaded, and i never forget the crucial step: reg unload RootKeyoffline_<HIVE>Failing to do this will result in hive corruption so bad that you will have to restore from a backup.
  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2011
  • Anonymous
    March 18, 2011
    Before the official fix was released by Microsoft, I used the pending.xml suggested fix on 20 different computes. I just tried to install the Windows 7 Professional SP1 manually after undoing the change. I am now getting a Catastrophic Failure E_Unexpected. Any help would be appreciated in getting the Windows 7 SP1 fix resolved.
  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2011
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2011
    Specifically, one is deleting the value from the CurrentControlSet and the other is deleting it from the ControlSet001.
  • Anonymous
    December 22, 2014
    None of this worked for me. I thought I would share what did work.

    You can download an ISO of your Windows 7 variant with SP1 included. It's about a 3GB download, and the easiest way to use it is to burn it to a blank DVD. Here is the link to download your ISO.

    You may want to use a download manager, to avoid your browser stuffing up the download. eg.

    And here is a link to free burning software that can burn an ISO.

    Hope this helps someone. All the best.