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DEP-Microsoft Deployment Toolkit


Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2008 Update 1 is the recommended process and toolset to automate desktop and server deployment.

Scoping the Issue

Questions to help narrow down the issue:

· What operating system are you deploying?

· Are you doing a lite touch deployment or zero touch deployment?

· For lite touch deployment are you booting lite touch using a DVD, USB flash drive, USB hard drive, or PXE?

· Are you building out a new image or deploying a sysprepped image you already created?

· Are you running the latest version of Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2008 or earlier version?

· What version of the Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) is installed on your MDT server?

· At what point are you getting a error?

· What is the exact error message?

· Are you using WDS?

· Is your image configured for multicast or unicast?

· Are you using a database for configuration?

· Are you using driverpaths to manage your drivers?

Data Gathering


After deployment is complete: The .log files are moved to either %WINDIR%SMSOSD or %WINDIR%TEMPSMSOSD after you click okay oh the MDT summary page

SMSTS.log: May reside in %TEMP%, %WinDir%System32ccmlogs, C:_SMSTaskSequence, or C:SMSTSLog.

CustomSettings.ini: This file resides on the MDT server in the Deployment point(DP) foldercontrol

For Windows Server 2003/Windows XP deployments supply the following:







For Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008 supply the following:


c:Windowspanther folder and contents

c:Windowssystem32sysprep folder and contents


Troubleshooting / Resolution

If you are receiving any of these error messages deploying Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP

A disk read error occurred

Unable to load operating system

Error loading operating system

Stop: 0x000000ED (0X81F85678, 0xC000014F,0x00000000,0x00000000) Unmountable_boot_volume

Make sure that the "Set Diskpart BIOS Compatibility Mode" is enabled in your task sequence

To determine the version look at Add/Remove Programs. You cannot use the help, about in the deployment toolkit workbench to determine the installed version. It is not accurate.

Here are the different versions and how they appear in Add/Remove Programs

Microsoft Deployment(AKA BDD 2008, AKA BDD 4.0, AKA Windows Server Deployment, AKA Deployment 4):


Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 4.0.383.0

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit:


Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2008 4.1.523.0

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Update 1:


Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2008 Update 1(4.2.523.40)