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Release management trial license expired?

Recently one of the customers mentioned that the trial license of the release management server has expired and wanted to know how to upgrade to the full licensed version.


Anjani Chandan, from the team helped out the customer and provided the following steps, which worked. So I am sharing them here so that you can also benefit from it.

  • Launch the “Release Management Server” configuration tool and take a screenshot for below information :-
    1. User used for configuring RM Server (i.e. Network Service or any specific user).
    2. Protocol ( i.e. HTTP or HTTPS).
    3. Database Server
  • Download Release Management from your MSDN subscription using link.

  • Uninstall RM 2013 Trail edition of client and server (No need to un-install deployer as it will be auto-upgraded).
  • Install full edition of RM 2013 using the downloaded product.
  • Configure the server using the information collected in the first step above.
  • Once client is installed and launched just confirm that it’s a full licensed using Administration – Setting tab > click on license hyper links.


Enjoy !!