Windows Server 2008 Server Core and VS 2005 Part II
Like I mentioned in a previous post I would be playing around with Server Core and Virtual Server 2005 just to see how it works. So what I have done is I installed a new Windows Server 2008 Server Core onto my physical box. The installation is straight forward, just make sure you select Server Core, and after a reboot you have your machine. I also discovered that with the June CTP you need to change the admin password after the reboot. Now that we have a server core running we need to perform a few additional steps.
Change the name of the machine: after the initial setup you need to change the name into something more readable and easy to remember
netdom Renamecomputer oldmachinename /NewName:newmachinename
Activate the server: Because my machine will not be connected to Internet all the time I activate my machines right away
slmgr.vbs -ato
This script will generate a msgbox to inform you if the activation was successful or not. (This tool can also be used onto a Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 box)
Set a fixed IP address: In my environment I don't have a DHCP server so I need to set a fixed IP Address:
netsh int ipv4 set address "Local Area connection" static
netsh int ipv4 set dnsserver "Local Area Connection" static 192.168.253Note you can use the "netsh int ipv4 sho int" to identify which interfaces you have. See the example below.
Add server to domain: Because I will use the VMRCplus tool to manage my server and with this tool you cannot remotely administrate Virtual Servers who are member of a workgroup
netdom join servername /DOM:domainname /userd:user@domain /passwordd:*
Reboot you server with the following command: shutdown /r /t 0
Install Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1: Just run setup and follow the wizard. Make sure you don't install the web admin tools.
Virtual Server configuration steps: Now you have your VS2005 R2 SP1 running but you need to enable VMRC and configure some security settings if you want to use the VMRCplus client to manage the environment:
A) Enable the firewall exception for VMRC: netsh fi add all "c:\program files\Microsoft Virtual Server\vssrvc.exe" "Virtual Server" ENABLE
B) Run a VB script to enable VMRC onto the VS box:
set vs = wscript.createobject("VirtualServer.Application")
vs.VMRCEnabled = True
vs.VMRCAdminportNumber = 5900
vs.VMRCIdleconnectionTimeOutEnabled= false
vs.VMRCXResolution = 800
vs.VMRCYResolution = 600Source: virtual_pc_guy
C) Run another VB script to allow a particular group to have access onto the VS:
Dim ace
set objVs = wscript.CreateObject("VirtualServer.Application")
Set objSecurity = WScript.CreateObject("VirtualServer.VMSecurity")set objSecurity = ObjVs.Security
Set ace = objSecurity.AddEntry("wds\Domain admins",vmAccessRights_Allowed)
ace.WriteAccess = True
ace.ReadAccess = True
ace.ExecuteAccess = True
ace.DeleteAccess = True
ace.ReadPermissions = True
ace.ChangePermissions = TrueObjVs.Security = objSecurity
Source: virtual_pc_guy
Now you have prepared you VS environment and you can start manage it from another domain joined machine with the VMRCplus tool.
Note: I want to inform you again that this is not supported by Microsoft and I only tested because of personal interest and to see how easy or difficult it was to configure and manage a server core environment. If you want to have Virtualization onto Windows Server Core you will have to wait until we release Windows Server Virtualization.
Technorati tags: Windows Server Virtualization, Virtual Server, Longhorn, WIndows Server 2008
July 10, 2007
Presuming I've installed the x64 edition of Server 2008 will this configuration allow me to create x64 guests? Thanks.Anonymous
July 10, 2007
No you will not be able to create 64x bit guests as this will only be supported by Windows Server Virtualization. There is no 64bit guest support in Virtual Server 2005. Hope this helps, ArlindoAnonymous
July 11, 2007
When browsing and reading up on my Feeds, I encountered a couple of nice items out there on the web.Anonymous
July 14, 2007
In my opinion Windows Server 2008 Server Core servers are perfect for virtualization. They don't eatAnonymous
August 02, 2007
Here is a list of what some of our Belgian IT Pro Bloggers are saying/blogging about Windows Server 2008.Anonymous
February 22, 2008
Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 on Server Core 2008Anonymous
June 16, 2009
i need learn and testing when i finished learn at school.