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WEB ADMINISTRATION SUMMIT TOUR - IIS7 Web Server Platform - Windows Server 'Longhorn'


A secure, easy to manage server platform for developing and for reliable
hosting Web applications.

Microsoft Windows Server code name "Longhorn" is the next generation of the Windows server operating system that helps IT maximize control over their infrastructure. Windows Server "Longhorn" delivers Microsoft's most powerful pipeline of Web technology around the latest version of Internet Information Services (IIS). Far from a simple version upgrade, IIS version 7.0 is an extensible platform for more reliably and securely hosting Web applications and services that are easy to manage at scale.

IIS 7.0 is a major enhancement to earlier versions, offering for the first time a componentized architecture with full extensibility, a single integrated pipeline for all IIS and ASP.NET processing, and a comprehensive Administration tool to support powerful diagnostics and delegated management.

This comprehensive one-day seminar will introduce you to many of the key improvements in IIS 7, including administration, security and troubleshooting.


Monday, May 21


Microsoft's Next Generation Web Server: What's New in IIS7 for IT Pros
This overview session will highlight the key points of interests for IT Pros in Internet Information Services version 7. IIS7 modularity increases security by allowing a reduced installation footprint and creation of specialized, streamlined servers. Application Pools are now “sandboxed” by default. You'll see how IIS7 eases administration with a new IIS Manage UI, delegated administration, and new tools for automating administrative tasks. Applications run more reliably as they are easier to troubleshoot with built in tracing and diagnostics. Finally, multiple servers can use a single configuration file with the shared configuration feature for web farms. (75 min)


IIS7 Administration: The New IIS Manager
IIS7 Administration centers around the new task-oriented IIS Manager. This redesigned administration tool has many major new capabilities including the ability to delegate features, edit .NET configuration and has significantly improved performance when managing many sites. The IIS Manager itself is an extensible, modular application that administrators can customize and developers can extend. In this presentation we'll explore how use and control the IIS Manager with a special focus on Delegated Administration. In addition, we'll explore how to use Granular Locking to fine tune your delegated settings beyond those available in the UI. (75 min)


IIS7 Administration: Shared Configuration, Remote Control, and Automated Tools
For web farms, IIS7 has a powerful new feature – Shared Configuration. This allows you to configure multiple servers to share a single configuration file. The benefits are clear - all web servers have identical configuration so there's no need to do configuration replication. In addition, IIS Manager has built in remote administration capabilities. Using https between the IIS Manager and the remote server, this feature includes the ability to define trusted users in IIS Manager and have identities securely stored in the IIS configuration, Windows SAM or AD, or a .NET provider. Of course, many organizations need to automate administration tasks. APPCMD is the new powerful, general purpose command line utility for controlling configuration, state for site and pools, and querying status. WMI has been improved specifically for IIS management, and there's a new managed code API Microsoft.Web.Adminsitration that makes it easy for developers use .NET to write IIS management tools. PowerShell can use the managed API or WMI, giving you a superior command line and scripting environment for managing your servers. (75 min)


IIS7 Security: Less Exposure, Greater Control
IIS7 security improvements can be found in many areas. In addition to the ability to control the server footprint, security is improved with the new URLFiltering and URLAuthorization capabilities. Also, you can now use Forms authentication with any content while leveraging .NET role and membership providers. In addition, there are key changes in the user principles and groups used by IIS7 that will make the server both easier to manage and more secure. Finally, application pool sandboxing helps to improve the security boundary between application pools. (75 min)


IIS7 Troubleshooting: Failed Request Tracing
One of the most exciting features in IIS7 for administrators is the new built-in failed request tracing capabilities. You can configure IIS7 to automatically create a detailed trace log of events that occurred in the request processing pipeline when specific error codes are seen and/or if a request takes more than N seconds to complete. This is configurable at the server, site, application, or file level, and can be configured in the UI or with a command line tool. The resulting trace log is ideal for identifying bottlenecks. Like everything in IIS7, it is extensible and can be customized with new events. (75 min)

Q&A and Closing



Spuibeekstraat, 5
2800 Mechelen / Malines
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Technorati tags: Technet, Longhorn, IIS7, event