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TechNet Chopsticks Replay: How to optimize your Desktop Management with TechNet Springboard


TechNet Springboard - Advancing Desktop Management Imagine a future of enhanced productivity of your employees, while ensuring you have the needed level of control, manageability, and security. Employees can have access to applications and data on demand — virtually, wherever, whenever they need them. Microsoft offers a comprehensive, integrated set of solutions that will help you advance your desktop management, based on the following products: • The Windows client operating system • 2007 Microsoft Office system • Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) • Microsoft Systems Center 2007 family of management solutions • Windows Server 2008

Advancing Desktop Management Imagine a future of enhanced productivity of your employees, while ensuring you have the needed level of control, manageability, and security. Employees can have access to applications and data on demand — virtually, wherever, whenever they need them. Microsoft offers a comprehensive, integrated set of solutions that will help you advance your desktop management, based on the following products: • The Windows client operating system • 2007 Microsoft Office system • Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) • Microsoft Systems Center 2007 family of management solutions

Part I - Optimized Desktop, Why? What? Approach? Tools?

Part II – Image Management

Part III – Microsoft Deployment Tools

Part IV – Office 2007 Deployment

Part V – Configuration Management

Part VI – Group Policy Preferences

Part VII - Advanced Group Policy Management

Part VIII - Application Compatibility

Part IX – Desktop Support


TechNet Springboard - Beheer van mobiele pc's

In deze sessie komen een aantal problemen in verband met het beheer van mobiele pc’s aan bod en worden de thema’s open en eerlijk besproken. Neem deel en bekijk onze demonstraties over het configureren van BitLocker Drive Encryption, het configureren van Group Policy om draadloze netwerkverbindingen te beheren en het doorsturen van mappen en offline-bestanden mogelijk te maken. We rollen ook software-updates uit met behulp van Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) en configureren Network Access Protection (NAP) om geïnfecteerde mobiele pc’s in quarantaine te plaatsen.


TechNet Springboard - Gérer les PC mobiles

Cette session étudie une série de problèmes liés à la gestion des PC mobiles et développe ce thème de manière ouverte, franche et honnête. Suivez nos démonstrations sur la configuration de BitLocker Drive Encryption, la configuration d’une Group Policy pour gérer des connexions réseau sans fil et mettre en place des fonctions de réorientation de dossiers et d’utilisation de fichiers en mode déconnecté. Nous étudierons également le déploiement des mises à jour de logiciels à l’aide des Server Update Services (WSUS) et la configuration de Network Access Protection (NAP) pour mettre en quarantaine des PC mobiles potentiellement dangereux.


Links to separate demos:

Windows Vista Bitlocker: (Dutch) (French)

Network Access Protection: (Dutch) (French)

Windows Vista Wireless Networking: (Dutch) (French)

Folder Redirection: (Dutch) (French)

Windows Server Update Services: (Dutch) (French)

Application Compatibility and User Account Control resourses:

Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) 5.5 Inventory, assess, and prepare applications for Windows 7 and Windows Vista deployment projects.

Windows 7 Application Quality Cookbook Originally intended for developers, the Application Quality Cookbook is a comprehensive resource describing application compatibility changes in Windows 7.

Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility Resources If you are in the process of piloting or deploying Internet Explorer 8 or Windows 7, these resources can help you determine potential compatibility impacts beyond the changes to the user agent string in IE8.

Windows Vista Compatiblity Center Find the compatibility status for thousands of products and get links to the latest downloads for applications and devices.

Application Compatibility Downloadable List for IT Pros Investigate the current compatibility status of third party applications using this downloadable XLXS format.

Application Compatibility Factory Partners Leverage key partners to assist in the application compatibility testing and remediation process.

TechNet Webcast: Making Windows Vista Application Compatibility Testing More Predictable Discover best practices for managing an application compatibility testing project.

Windows Desktop Imaging

Image Engineering Feature Team Guide in Microsoft Deployment

Microsoft Deployment Workbench Imaging Guide

Image Customization Guide

Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack

How to Gain Control of Your Desktop Environment with the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP)

MDOP Deployment Guide


Virtual Lab

Get hands on experience with the Microsoft toolset for managing application compatibility testing

ACT 5.0 Virtual Lab

Learn how to perform offline servicing of a Windows Vista image.

TechNet Virtual Lab: Offline Servicing of Windows Images Using ImageX and PkgMgr in Windows Vista TechNet Virtual Lab Express: Windows Vista System Image Manager Overview


  • Anonymous
    August 05, 2009
    I didnt know that much ...thanks for sharing this usefull knowledge...thanks once again..cheers