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TechNet Chopsticks latest Community updates

Here are the latest TechNet Chopsticks additions:


Import / export GPPE settings "office 2007 browserflags"

In this session we will illustrate how you can use the new import export feature in group policy preferences, how you can use this to change the default behavior of office 2007 opening in IE and the problem you may face when using the runas option with GPMC.

Speaker: Tom Decaluwé – Blog:


How to publish Outlook Anywhere and Outlook Web Access using ISA 2006 Sp1 and SAN certificates

In this video, Ilse will go through the process of getting a new SAN certificate from a CA, importing the received certificate, enabling it for the necessary Exchange services, and then exporting it for being able to import it on ISA 2006 Sp1. Ilse will finish the demo by publishing both Outlook Web Access and Outlook Anywhere using the Exchange Client Access publishing rules available in ISA 2006 Sp1.

Speaker: Ilse Van Criekinge –


Forefront Threat Management Gateway: Malware inspection

During this demo we drilldown into the TMG malware inspection feature. We will look at how to configure the definition download, the engine behind malware inspection, rule configuration, client experience and monitoring of malware inspection.

Speaker: Tom Decaluwé – Blog:

Technorati Tags: Group Policies,ISA,OWA,Exchange,TMG,Proexchange,IT-Talks