System Center Essentials RTM
With System Center Essentials 2007 being released you can now download the English version as a Trial.
What is System Center Essentials 2007 (SCE 2007)? It's our new management solution to manage mid-size customers with up to 30 servers and 500 clients. This tool is going to lower the management costs for the mid-size businesses because today most of them cannot afford a decent management tool. With SCE 2007 we will give you a central management tool where you will be able to proactively monitor your clients and servers, but also deploy software using the software distribution mechanism, deploy you patches using the incorporated WSUS 3.0 and last but not least you will have an integrated inventory and reporting tool.
All those features makes this product great for Mid-size businesses.
Interested to see a live demo and learn more about this product? Come and join the other 500 IT Pro's who already subscribed for the Belgian You're in Control event
Technorati tags: SYstem Center, SCE, System Center Essentials 2007, Microsoft
May 06, 2007
Still in London, all of you should be asleep still, maybe just getting up on the east coast. System CenterAnonymous
May 05, 2008
Happy Birthday Essentials 2007!