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Next It-Talks event “Exchange in the cloud or in the Datacenter”

IT-ShortTalk: Thursday 10 June 2010 - 19u00 – 21u30

Titel: Messaging on-premise – in the cloud

Abstract: During this session Ilse will shed some light on the pro’s and con’s of on-premise or in the cloud messaging. She will highlight all that exchange 2010 can bring you and the BPOS suite has to offer. It will be a great opportunity to ask you questions on this very hot subject and network with people facing the same questions.

Speaker: Ilse Van Criekinge

Registration required:

Where: ( The offices are next to the Sportcentrum ) - Hoogstraat 134 – 136    8540 Deerlijk

2) IT-FullTalk: Saturday 19 June 2010 - 10u00 – 17u30

Titel: Migrating Exchange 2003/2007 to exchange 2010

Abstract: During this session Ilse will guide us through the on premises upgrade of an existing exchange infrastructure to the latest and greatest exchange 2010. As always this session will be all practical do it your self.

Speaker: Ilse Van Criekinge

Registration required:

Entry fee: 15€ for food and drinks all day

what you need: As with all your session you will need to bring:

  • your own laptop 64 bits virtualization capable.
  • HyperV or VMware workstation / Server / Player (pre-installed and opperational)
  • A power socket cable with multiple outlets
  • A network cable of 5m or more

Where: ( The offices are next to the Sportcentrum ) - Hoogstraat 134 – 136 8540 Deerlijk
