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IT-Talks – Sept 13: Group policies in 2008

Where: Spes Nostra - Koning Albertstraat 50 - 8520 Kuurne
When: Zaterdag 13 September 2008


  • 10u00: welcome + boot virtual labo
  • 10u30 – 11u30: The technology, behind the scene and what's new in windows 2008 / Vista(Tom Decaluwé )
  • 11u30 – 11u45: Koffie en talks
  • 11u45 – 13u00: The technology, behind the scene and what's new in windows 2008 / Vista (Tom Decaluwé)
  • 13u00 – 14u00: Lunch
  • 14u00 – 15u15: Using group policies in your companies, scenario driven lab (Tom Decaluwé)
  • 15u15 – 15u30: Koffie en talks
  • 15u30 – 17u30: Using group policies in your companies, scenario driven lab (Tom Decaluwé)

Topic of the day:

Group policies have for years now been a core part of the windows active directory. This feature gives administrators a central way to manage and secure clients and servers in a structured way. With the release of windows 2008 and Vista Microsoft has taken group policies and group policy management to a new level. But with this new level of control comes new challenges in how to manage your existing XP, win2k3 environment, how to prep your environment for win2k8 and vista gpo's, what can we implement before the win2k8 migration and what can we do after win2k8.

This session will mainly focus on how to use the old and new features in corporate environments.

you can register for this event by sending an email to, seats are limited so register ASAP!
