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New MS App Virtualization Knowledge Base Articles

If you're a regular reader of the SoftGrid, err, uhh, Microsoft Application Virtualization blog here then you probably remember semi-regular posts announcing each weeks new Knowledge Base articles.  The would include posts such as

or maybe

But now it's been a month without anything new and I imagine you're wondering why.  Well, it's not because I forgot, it's because there haven't been any written lately.  I'm sure that as we move into 4.5 and all the awesome new functionality it provides we'll have plenty of new content to go along with it, I just didn't want any of you to think I was asleep at the wheel or shirking my duties.  As soon as a new MS App Virtualization KB gets published you'll hear about it first here.

In the mean time, and speaking of version 4.5, if you're looking for a quick overview of all the cool new features we have planned then check out this cool video by John Sheehan, architect for Microsoft Application Virtualization:

Stay tuned!

J.C. Hornbeck | Manageability Knowledge Engineer