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How to publish an App-V-enabled application in Citrix XenApp

imageJust a quick heads up on an App-V KB article we updated last week.  This one describes how to publish an App-V-enabled application in Citrix XenApp:

To publish an App-V-enabled application in Citrix XenApp, follow these steps:

  1. Publish Sfttray.exe or publish Sftrun.exe.
  2. Publish the .OSD file.
  3. Publish the application name followed by a percent sign and then an asterisk ( %* ) or publish the application name and version followed by a percent sign and then an asterisk.

To continue reading and see all the details check out the Knowledge Base article below:

KB931576 - How to publish an App-V-enabled application in Citrix XenApp

J.C. Hornbeck | System Center Knowledge Engineer