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Code Camp - 2nd in Colorado (held Oct 7th in Colorado Springs)

Code Camp is here in Colorado. We are hosting our 2nd code camp in Colorado Springs.

Please see the invitation to register below as well as an explanation of what Code camp is.

Please also note this Code Camp is technology agnostic. Anyone is welcome to speak about any technology and anyone is welcome to attend. Please note we only have room for the first 200.

Please pass the invitation along.

For those wondering what makes a code camp?

The answer is actually simple. In order to use the official Code Camp name and banner follow these simple protocols.

  1. By and For the Developer Community

Code Camps are about the developer community at large. They are meant to be a place for developers to come and learn from their peers. Topics are always based on community interest and never determined by anyone other than the community.

  1. Always Free

Code Camps are always free for attendees.

  1. Community Developed Material

The success of the Code Camps is that they are based on community content. All content that is delivered is original. All presentation content must be provided completely (including code) without any restriction. If you have content you don’t want to share or provide to attendees then the Code Camp is not the place for you.

  1. No Fluff – only Code

Code Camps are about showing the code. Refer to rule #1 if you have any questions on this.

  1. Community Ownership

The most important element of the Code Camp is always the developer community. All are welcome to attend and speak and do so without expectation of payment or any other compensation other than their participation in the community.

  1. Never occur during work hours

We need to understand that many times people can’t leave work for a day or two to attend training or even seminars. The beauty of the Code Camp is that they always occur on weekends.

For further information read The Code Camp Manifesto


We are on for October 7th. We have gotten a great response to our call for speakers and are in the process of hammering out the schedule, but reserve your spot now! Space is limited to the first 200 that sign up for this free event.

Register at

The link for registration is at the top of the page.Check back on that site for more info as it becomes available. Details about the schedule, sponsors, location, food, etc.Tell your friends.

Register here

We also need volunteers!

Email to Julie at if you'd like to help out in other areas. We need help planning and choosing sessions, setting up and tearing down, herding traffic, etc. you can help for some of the event, all of the event, you chose.

Sponsors needed

This is a bare bones event, but there are some costs associated. Please pass along any sponsors you think would be interested in this event. We still have a handful of expenses that we need some help on, please pass along sponsors if you know of any.
