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Silicon Prairie Social in Chicago this week!

Technorati tags: Silicon Prarie Social, XBox 360

Silicon Prairie Social is the place to be on Thursday night!  There will be free food and drinks, and an XBox 360 giveaway.  Come out and enjoy yourselves on a beautiful fall evening and get to know fellow professionals in the regional tech industry. Can't wait to see you there!

Bringing friends? Make sure they RSVP.
We're expecting a full house, so you must RSVP to get in. Please pass the link to your friends and have them fill out the quick form ASAP. Here's the link: https://siliconprairiesocial.eventbrite.comIt's about networking.   We're serious about making this event the most useful networking event you have ever been to. So to prepare yourself, in a few words think of what you do, and what you need. Leave the rest up to us!

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Mullen's Bar & Grill
3080 Warrenville Rd., Lisle, IL 60532
Cost: Free (RSVP Required)

Taking the train?
Mullen's is just a 6 minute drive from the Lisle Metra station on the BNSF/Aurora line. Here are some quick links to the Outbound Metra schedule and inbound Metra schedule.

Need a ride? Have extra room? Carpool!
Feel free to use the Facebook Group to link up with potential carpool partners (sorry, no LinkedIn group as they currently aren't allowing new groups due to feature upgrades).

Mullen's has plenty of parking. If, however, their lot is full, you are welcome to park next door at the Wyndham hotel at no charge.