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New Edition of TFS Times is Available for March 2008!

Paul Hacker has a great TFS centric newsletter he produces every month.  Check out his latest release which covers TFS Power Tools, Requirements Management using 3rd party tools, TF Sidekicks, and more!  Here is an excerpt:


The Community Rocks!
Paul Hacker
This month we are going to focus on the 3rd Party tools that are available for use with Team System and Team Foundation Server. I would like to say we are going to cover them all, but that is unrealistic. The fact is this: The community involvement around the creation of these tools is phenomenal to say the least. Everyday folks who use and love the tool spend their extra time creating additional functionality and then they give it away for free. That's right in most cases these folks make their cool tools available for free. Now not all tools are free and in fact some of the tools that we will focus on in this issue are not free, but they are non the less some great tools. So please sit back and checkout what the community has done to help ease your life and experience when working with Team System and Team Foundation Server. The most complete list of third party tools for VSTS and TFS is available at .



Inside This Issue

1   The Community Rocks!

1   Requirements Tracking in TFS with 3rd Party Tools

3 - 11  Exploring Attrice Team Foundation Sidekicks

12  TFS Personality Spotlight – Jamie Kurtz

13  Resources

14  Calendar of Events


Technorati tags: TFS Times
