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SQL Server and SAP !!!

Recently, I started working with some of my customers in India who are running their mission critical systems on Microsoft platform.

During my interactions with them, I came across following case studies.

Quanta Computer Gains 80 Percent Data Compression for SAP with SQL Server 2008

With its SAP database supporting its global operations growing by more than half a terabyte a month, Quanta needed to either replace its SAN infrastructure or find a compression solution. The company upgraded to Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 Enterprise (64-bit) to take advantage of new SQL Server compression technology. SQL Server 2008 Database Compression has reduced some tables by as much as 90 percent, while SQL Server 2008 Backup Compression has provided compression of 85 percent


Moving SAP Off Mainframe to SQL Server Nets Australia’s QR Limited U.S.$100,000 a Month

Having been in the business since the 1860s, Australia’s QR Limited knows how to run a railroad. As the company prepared to upgrade its SAP R/3 enterprise resource planning (ERP) software it decided to move its SAP applications and databases from a mainframe and DB2 environment to the Microsoft® Application Platform, including Microsoft SQL Server® 2005 database software running on a geocluster supported by the Windows Server® 2003 Enterprise Edition operating system. The company estimates it is saving about U.S.$100,000 per month in mainframe costs, since moving its SAP infrastructure to a cluster of commodity servers running the Microsoft Application Platform. QR Limited reports 20 to 40 percent faster SAP transactional response times and up to 8 times faster batch processing since moving SAP to SQL Server 2005.

Australia’s CSR Lowers Costs by Migrating SAP from Oracle to SQL Server 2005

CSR Limited (CSR), which traces its roots to 1855, is one of the largest manufacturers in Australia. It is the sixth largest sugar producer in the world and a major manufacturer of building products including plasterboard, roofing material, insulation, and glass. CSR is also a joint venture participant in the Tomago aluminium smelter. The company uses SAP software to manage its multinational enterprise. CSR originally deployed SAP on a UNIX/Oracle stack, but later migrated to the Microsoft® Application Platform including Microsoft SQL Server® 2005 database software. Running SAP on SQL Server has proven so effective that after the company recently purchased Australia and New Zealand’s Pilkington Glass, it again migrated SAP from the UNIX/Oracle stack to the Microsoft Application Platform. CSR is enjoying a lower total cost of ownership, enhanced performance, and high availability.


Isn’t that great? Running SQL Server gives you lower total cost of ownership, enhanced performance, high availability & with SQL 2008, you also get a great storage size reduction!!!  A truly valuable solution in these recession days ….


Also, you would find following blogs as very useful resources for SAP on SQL Server.


Running SAP Applications on SQL Server

This Blog will provide information about running SAP applications on SQL Server and Windows. The Blog is written by folks of Microsoft who are working with SAP and SQL Server for more than a decade or who are running Microsoft's SAP landscape.


SAP Global Alliance Technology Team Blog: find various information that relates to Microsoft Windows platform and SAP. It contains information on Whitepapers, books, various software releases related to SAP & Windows.!!!


-- Amit
