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Computational Thinking Leadership Toolkit

Computational thinking is, in my opinion at least, a lot more than the latest buzz word or fad in education. It is really at the core of what we need for success in the 21st century. So I was pleased to get the following announcement in email yesterday.


ISTE and CSTA has published the Computational Thinking Leadership Toolkit.   We are pleased to announce that it is now available for free download, along with the Computational Thinking Teacher Resources, 2nd edition . You’ll find both documents hope you find these resources valuable as you learn more about computational thinking (CT) and advocate about the importance of CT to teachers, school leaders, parents, and others. 

Please bookmark our CT page ( so that you can visit again and access more free CT resources as they become available. Coming soon— A CT Primer presentation and graphic animations that demonstrate the promise of CT and the process of CT.

Also, consider joining the CT conversation with others who are exploring CT.  You can ask questions, share feedback, learn from and engage with other educators around CT by participating in one (or both!) of our new discussion groups:  ISTE Community Ning CT Forum or on LinkedIn.

All of these resources are made possible with the generous support of the National Science Foundation, under the Grant No. CNS-1030054.