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12th Annual Computer Science & Information Technology Conference.

The Computer Science Teachers Association runs what I consider the single best and most important professional development events of the year for computer science educators - the Annual Computer Science & Information Technology Conference. I’m honored and excited  to be on the program committee again this year. Yesterday the CSTA sent the following their membership. This is too great an event to miss so I wanted to make  sure I promoted it here as well. Are you doing something cool and interesting in computer science education? If so I hope you will think about submitting to this year’s conference. And even if not, save the date not!

The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) invites you to participate in the 12th Annual Computer Science & Information Technology Conference. This event will be held July 9-10 2012, in Irvine, CA (Orange County).

The CS&IT 2012 Program Committee seeks proposal submissions related to the practice of teaching and learning computer science and information technology in K–12. Proposals will be accepted for one-hour presentations or panels or for three-hour workshops.

The deadline for proposals is January 31, 2012. Review of proposals will occur shortly thereafter and notification of decision will be made on or about March 5, 2012. Successful proposers should expect to be asked to submit a reasonably final copy of their presentation by June 20, 2012.

We desire a varied program of interest to all teachers of computing in K-12 education. All submission will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • technical quality,
  • writing and presentation,
  • relevance to CS&IT (focus on K-12 computer science or information technology).

Preference will be given to workshop proposals that are largely hands-on activities.

Proposers are required to:

  • identify all presenters
  • provide an overview of the session
  • describe the intended audience (level, knowledge, …)
  • indicate session activity in sufficient detail for an informed decision
  • discuss presenter background and presentation experience

All proposals will be submitted through the online symposium submission system that can be found at:

Presenters will have the use of a computer projector and screen. Proposers should describe any unusual infrastructure, A/V equipment, or lab facility needed; it may be possible to accommodate such requests but this cannot be guaranteed.

Additional conference details can be found at:

We look forward to receiving your proposals and to your attendance at the symposium.

CS&IT 2012 is generously sponsored by the Anita Borg Institute, Google, and Microsoft Research.