A few random notes...
Although this is (as the title implies) not a typical blog, I've determined that I should post here every few weeks or so - mainly because if I don't, the old threads close, and nobody can post responses. Many people have gone ahead and emailed me directly, and although I don't mind answering their questions, I'd rather answer questions in a public forum where others can benefit.
Some of the things I've answered (or at least my responses to the questions) have been:
Q: Where can I ask general questions on windows ce test tools?
A: - you can ask here as well if you'd like
Q: Where can I get the Driver Wizard mentioned in the article/presentation/demo?
A: Mike Hall's blog, or here (note: If you have questions on this utility, you can ask me since I've done the latest edits for Mike (I think)
Q: How can I get a feature added to TuxWiz?
A: Ask me
Q: Is there a paper or web site describing how to use Test Tool X to do Y?
A: If there is, I'll find it for you - if not, I can probably write it for you.
Q: Is there a tool available that will do Z?
A: If there is, I'll find it for you - if not, I can probably write it for you. (duplicate answer intentional!)