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Entity Framework Breaking Changes - Visual Studio 2008 & .NET 3.5 SP1 Beta

For the release of SP1 Beta, several breaking changes were made to the Entity Framework. Below is a description of these changes and a mitigation for resolving the breaking change against previous releases.

Schema Changes( covers CSDL, SSDL and ProviderManifest Xml formats)

1. Attribute name for Default changed to Default values

Beta 3 Schema

  <Property Name="tempval" Type="Int32" Default="12" />

SP1 Beta Schema

  <Property Name="tempval" Type="Int32" DefaultValue="12" />

Affected Schemas

        CSDL, SSDL and provider manifest schemas which used Defaults.


Either regenerate the schema files using the tools or change the files manually based on the information above.

2. PreserveSeconds facet has been removed

Affected Schemas

        SSDL schemas which used PreserveSeconds facet.


There is no mitigation. We were not really using this facet and so we decided to remove it.


3. DateTimeKind facet has been removed

Affected Schemas

        CSDL and SSDL schemas which used DateTimeKind facet.


There is no mitigation. We were not really using this facet and so we decided to remove it.

4. In SSDL schema, ProviderManifestToken values for Sql Provider changed and there is a new required attribute called “Provider”.

Affected Schemas

All SSDL schemas that go against Sql Server Database.

Beta 3 Schema Fragment

<Schema Namespace="SchemaNS" ProviderManifestToken="09.00" xmlns="..">

SP1 Beta Schema

<Schema Namespace="SchemaNS" Provider="System.Data.SqlClient" ProviderManifestToken="2005" xmlns="..">


Either regenerate the schema files using the tools or change the files manually based on the information above.

Object Services Changes

1. Removing StructuralObject.SetValidValue methods

The following SetValidValue methods on the StructuralObject class were removed:
protected internal static decimal SetValidValue(decimal value, int precision, int scale)

protected internal static Nullable<decimal>

SetValidValue(Nullable<decimal> value, int precision, int scale)
protected internal static string

SetValidValue(string value, bool isNullable, int maximumLength)
protected internal static Byte[]

SetValidValue(Byte[] value, bool isNullable, int maximumLength)
protected internal static Nullable<DateTime>

SetValidValue(Nullable<DateTime> value, DateTimeKind kind)
protected internal static DateTime

SetValidValue(DateTime value, DateTimeKind kind)


You can re-run code generation to get files without these method calls in place.

2. Renaming ObjectContext.QueryTimeout to CommandTimeout

Beta 3 Code

ObjectContext context = new ObjectContext(“connectionString”);

context.QueryTimeout = 30;


SP1 Beta Code

ObjectContext context = new ObjectContext(“connectionString”);

context.CommandTimeout = 30;



Rename the property.

3. Attempt to access connection object of ObjectContext after Dispose is called results in ObjectDisposedException being thrown.


The “disposed” ObjectContext can still be used as long as the caller does not directly or indirectly invoke an operation that requires a connection. A new ObjectContext will need to be created if access to the underlying store through an ObjectContext is required.


4. IRelatedEnd.Add allows repeated calls with the same parameter instance

IRelatedEnd.Add, EntityCollection.Add, and EntityReference.Value will no longer throw an exception if the same instance is added to the collection or reference more than once.

Beta 3 Code

Order o = Order.CreateOrder(1);


// This line will throw


SP1 Beta Code

Order o = Orders.CreateOrder(1);
// This line will NOT throw


//-- To get the original behavior:

Order o = Orders.CreateOrder(1);


    throw new InvalidOperationException(...);




To throw an exception in this case, you can decorate the call to Add or the Value setter to check if the collection or reference already contains the value you are adding.

5. IRelatedEnd.Remove and EntityCollection.Remove returns true or false rather than throwing an exception

The Remove API of EntityCollection and RelatedEnd has changed to return true if the item was successfully removed from the related end or collection, and false if the item could not be found for the remove. This more closely matches the .NET collection remove functionality.

Beta 3 Code





catch(Exception e)




SP1 Beta Code



  // could not find the item



To get an exception, check the return value of Remove and throw an appropriate Exception.


1. InformationSchema Conceptual model used for Tools changed

Beta 3 Code



        , t.Schema

        , t.Name

        , c.Name

        , c.Ordinal

        , c.IsNullable

        , c.TypeName

        , c.MaxLength

        , c.Precision

         , c.DateTimePrecision

        , c.Scale

        , c.IsIdentity

        , c.IsStoreGenerated

        , c.PrimaryKey.Ordinal


               SchemaInformation.Tables as t

                 cross apply

               t.Columns as c

           ORDER BY


           , t.Name

           , c.Ordinal

SP1 Beta Code



             , t.SchemaName

             , t.Name

             , t.ColumnName

             , t.Ordinal

             , t.IsNullable

             , t.TypeName

             , t.MaxLength

             , t.Precision

             , t.DateTimePrecision

             , t.Scale

             , t.IsIdentity

             , t.IsStoreGenerated

             , CASE WHEN pk.IsPrimaryKey IS NULL THEN false ELSE pk.IsPrimaryKey END as IsPrimaryKey

           FROM (



             , t.SchemaName

             , t.Name

             , c.Id as ColumnId

             , c.Name as ColumnName

             , c.Ordinal

             , c.IsNullable

             , c.ColumnType.TypeName as TypeName

          , c.ColumnType.MaxLength as MaxLength

             , c.ColumnType.Precision as Precision

             , c.ColumnType.DateTimePrecision as DateTimePrecision

             , c.ColumnType.Scale as Scale

             , c.IsIdentity

             , c.IsStoreGenerated


                 SchemaInformation.Tables as t

                 cross apply

                 t.Columns as c ) as t

           LEFT OUTER JOIN (


                 true as IsPrimaryKey

               , pkc.Id


                 OfType(SchemaInformation.TableConstraints, Store.PrimaryKeyConstraint) as pk

                 CROSS APPLY pk.Columns as pkc) as pk

           ON t.ColumnId = pk.Id

           ORDER BY


           , t.Name

           , t.Ordinal



All the same infomation is available, but in a different shape so most queries will need to be re written



1. StoreItemCollection public constructor changes

You are no longer able to create an "Empty" StoreItemCollection, or a StoreItemCollection with only PrimitiveTypes in it. If you need the Store PrimitiveTypes, you will need to find them in the DbProviderManifest.

Beta 3 Code

StoreItemCollection itemCollection = new StoreItemCollection(connection, file1, file2);

SP1 Beta Code

StoreItemCollection itemCollection = new StoreItemCollection(file1, file2);


Remove the DbConnection or DbProviderFactory from your call to the constructor of StoreItemCollection

2. Changed the hash computation used in pre-generated views to ignore the facets( except for Nullable facet).

View Generation was changed to not take these facets into account so these values are not used in the hash generation.


Please regenerate the generated views source file using the “EdmGen /mode:ViewGeneration …”.


  • Anonymous
    May 14, 2008
    J'avais référencé ce post avant hier, je vous invite également à regarder celui-ci qui liste les différences

  • Anonymous
    May 14, 2008
    Good stuff, better, faster, cleaner. Say goodbye to datasets, so when is the release scheduled .... ?

  • Anonymous
    May 14, 2008
    The ADO.NET team details on its blog what has changed for LINQ to SQL with the release of Visual Studio

  • Anonymous
    May 14, 2008
    The ADO.NET team details on its blog what has changed for LINQ to SQL with the release of Visual Studio

  • Anonymous
    May 14, 2008
    The ADO.NET team details on its blog what has changed for LINQ to SQL with the release of Visual Studio

  • Anonymous
    May 15, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 16, 2008
    Couple of links I've found during recent days: Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 Beta Readme Visual Studio

  • Anonymous
    May 16, 2008
    Don, are you using the version of EFExtensions that was updated for SP1 beta?

  • Anonymous
    May 18, 2008
    In the last days has been released the beta version of Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1, including a

  • Anonymous
    May 19, 2008
    Lots to read and download From the Data Programmability Team &#160; SP1 Beta Download, what&#39;s new

  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2008
    I stumbled into another breaking change. The EntityConnection.Attach() method seems te be removed. Is it possible to have different edmx models using the same underlying database connection ? This might be useful when using within a TransactionScope to prevent escalation to a distributed transaction

  • Anonymous
    June 23, 2008
    Is anyone working with EF alongside another OR/M such as My Generation?